Monday, April 22, 2013

Romancing Your Husband...

Why we must romance our husbands!

This world  with all its' hard situations is taking a toll on us individually,
But it can be seen in our marriages also.

Life has a way of making us feel distracted,
Our senses are on overload.

We can start to feel disconnected and  even desensitized.

So as we all know, we have been given a gift as women
To be used to help our husbands to feel loved.
And appreciated.

So, take the challenge ladies;
Romance YOUR husband!

Take pleasure yourselves in being His, wife and friend and love.
Of being:
The wife of his youth!

At times I must give myself a good talking to.
I do NOT want anything or anyone to
Take my place in showing interest to my Husband!

So make a decision!!!
Be consistent!!!
Give him your full attention!!!

Romance Your Husband...

Read Part Two Below;


  1. Excellent post Roxy! Sometimes life gets so busy and we need to remind ourselves of the importance of romancing our husbands! Thanks for sharing...:)

    Blessings, Vicky
    Life On Willie Mae Lane

  2. Great post, Roxy. Having a good marriage requires work, doesn't it? Romance is part of it, too! xo Diana

  3. It is so true, the world and the enemy of our souls would like to wear us out and dry us up. I am glad of the reminder and the happy task to keep that romance alive...and I think I am ready for a little romance around here, and I know Steve is too. Our guys are good men aren't they? Have a great week Rox, and I will give you a call on Tuesday.
    Love ya,

  4. Great advice,Roxy! When we show our husbands love and respect and attention, we are making the choice that will help strengthen our marriages and encourage our men. I've also discovered that when our men feel important to us, they show us love, too!


  5. Such a great reminder. So many things in this world are working against marriage, we women have to do all we can to work for it, in favor of it, to see it succeed and be a blessed testimony to the next generation. Romancing our guys is a fun bonus, make marriage fun!

  6. I am loving your blog. Just found you through a link from Lily Valley's blog. This is wonderful advice for wives of all ages. You blog is such a ministry!
    Pam at 2 Encourage


I really appreciate your comments! May they be kind and helpful to encourage my walk, and bless others as they read them. Thank-you!