Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Our Living Room

Here are a few photos of our living room.

We have had this burgundy leather couch for years.
I never really enjoyed sitting on it,
as it feels kinda stiff to me.
So we have bought a new one,
 which will be covered in a fabric material this time.
We also purchased two new recliners, from La-Z-Boy.
Of course mine will be a Lazy Girl!
I am waiting for the delivery of our new furniture.
Then I will get busy with Spring cleaning in this room.



  1. Your room looks nice and cosy! I always like to get a peek into other people's homes. I think it gives you a wee glimpse of what they are like as people too!

  2. What a spacious room it is! I just love the wood floors! Just beautiful! And that wood stove is so cozy! I would be parking rocking chairs in front of it and curling up with a good book! ;)

  3. I like your room but can't wait to see your new furniture. My daughter used to manage a LazyBoy store and it was really, really comfortable feature- xo Diana

  4. Hi Roxy,

    My daughters, 11 & 13, would love your living room. So much open space. They're both on the church dance worship team. They'd dance dance dance on your floor.

    Our house is smallish, not much open space, but we love it.

    I like your way of decorating. You inspire me to post a few photos of Harvest Lane Cottage on my blog. It's humble, but it is home.

    Blessings to you!

    Happy at Home

  5. I love your living room Rox; I can't wait to see it with all its new furniture. As a matter of fact, I think I will give you a call this morning and chat with you about living rooms :)

    Love and Blessings,

  6. What a cozy room! That paint color, sort of robin egg blue that I see in there, I am going to use a color similar to that to change up our dining room. I want to make it brighter. Enjoy the new furniture!!! And I know you ain't no "Lazy Girl"!


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