Monday, April 1, 2013

The Days End

 Colorado Sunset
I  am always so amazed at our sunsets here!

In my profile I mentioned on how I live in the prairie.
It is a landscape and a place not easy to make your peace with.
The land is free and can be brutal at times.
The weather and wind can change in minutes.
I have seen almost hurricane winds beat our land and home unmercifully.
We know first hand what wind and dirt can produce.
My heart has always been touched for those who endured
 And lived during the dust bowl.
As this all happened at the same time as the
Great Depression.
It must have seemed to those who were in the center of these two forces,
As if the world was coming to an end.
I believe that we are put in the exact place where the Father
wants us to live and overcome.
It does not matter where you live!
Of all places have their unique and challenging situations.
But also each carries a treasure of God's creation and

profound peak of splendor.
And it is the sunsets here in my prairie that keeps me

Centered in His hand.

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  1. What a beautiful analogy, Roxy, the dry parched prairie and storms there and in our souls. I cannot imagine living in the desert because I am so drawn to water - big water- but I have sure felt the desert in my soul at times over the years-xo Diana

  2. This was a great post Rox. So beautifully put, and a wonderful analogy. Wow. Have a beautiful day, and may the sunsets of your life far outweigh the dust storms.
    Much Love,

  3. Hello Ms. Roxy! Beautiful, lovely post! What a great reminder, especially for me when I have to watch and not think on the "what if's" of living elsewhere, where there were not so many mosquitoes, so much humidity and so forth. Those seasons are short, and I do love our falls and springs here, so I will count my blessings, just as you are! I hope to be back blogging soon. Hugs!!!

  4. You painted a vivid word picture for me.

    It's good to be where God wants us to be.

    Blessings from Harvest Lane Cottage,


    By the way, I'm your newest GFC follower.


I really appreciate your comments! May they be kind and helpful to encourage my walk, and bless others as they read them. Thank-you!