Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Beautiful Hair

Long Beautiful Hair
 This is a real photo of a woman's hair.
I find it really remarkable that her hair was this long.
She probably had never had it cut in her entire life.
The word tells us women that our hair is our glory !
What does that really mean to you?
Does it mean we all must have hair to our feet?
Or we can  say our hair must be to the length of to here, or to here??
Can you tell that you are a woman?
Some women have gone through a very hard struggle
With their health and have lost all their hair.
When I was a young woman I had very long hair.
Red hair!
Now days it is much shorter, and mixed with a wisp of white.
I think as a woman my hair has been a source of many things.
Time consuming
Great joy from it
Fun styles
Every length
I dyed it
I even wore a head covering for many years.
I still wear it once in awhile in church and at home or during worship service.
I have learned many lessons on headship.
And I have been blessed with much grace.
I had a missionary friend once tell me, how after having her
Hair to her knees most her life, it was so wonderful to have
Her hair cut in a bob style.
It was so nice that her hair would dry after washing it.
And no bugs in it (really)
As she was stationed in a jungle setting.
I loved her heart concerning this whole matter.
She had submitted to her covering!
I always ask my hubby, what do you want me to do?
And he tells me, whatever you want honey.
I love you!
Long hair
Short hair
White hair

1Corinthians 11:15

 I would love to hear from some of you on how you view
your hair, and what you feel is important to you!



  1. Hey friend, I haven't been by in awhile. You're hair looks super cute in your 30th anniversary pic, over on the side bar. Mine is looking pretty crummy, I tried to cut it last week, and oops! Not so even in spots. I need to run to a beautician and get it back in shape.

  2. My general rule is that my hair needs to be longer than my significant other's and have a feminine cut. I've gone as short as a bob before. Right now I'm liking it long. But I'd either grow my hair out or try to persuade my man to cut his if we had the same length of hair.

  3. Hi Roxy!

    My husband wants me to keep my hair long, but it's just too thin now. (Nothing to do with my age, I'm sure!)

    What was really funny was that I wanted to color my hair. I was running out the door to the beautician, and my husband was in a panic! He did NOT want me to do that. I decided to cancel the apt, and really, I think the gray is fine. Didn't mind the cancel at all.
    I know that's not for everyone, but it works for me!

    Peace in Christ,


  4. Hi Roxy, My mom reads your blog and like this pic so I had to look back and check it out. I have had my hair long most of my life. I remember the only time my mom took me to a beautitian when I was a kid. She told me I had beautiful hair. That always stuck with me. I vowed to never dye my hair until it was gray and I never did. Even though in mid school I was told I would rather be dead than red in the head. Once I did managed to grow it long enough to cut to donate. I still like it at least to my shoulders. I am so thankful for God's protection with this cancer that it was caught so early and I didn't need chemo and won't loose my hair. I don't want to be vain with it or embraced without it.

  5. My husband tells me I have a cute head even though the few hairs I have left have been shorn close to my scalp. I tried on wigs, but they looked so unnatural on me. So, I stick to hats and caps that have been knit or crocheted for me. I'm knitting some hats now for fall for me and for the chemo center.


I really appreciate your comments! May they be kind and helpful to encourage my walk, and bless others as they read them. Thank-you!