Monday, June 17, 2013

Treasures In A Cracked Tea Pot

Making all things beautiful,
in His time.
Here is my beautiful tea pot, but it is cracked!
My hubby bought this for me awhile back,
And at my very first tea time, it cracked from the top to the bottom.

What is a girl to do?
I was so very sad to think of this special treasure to be of no use.
So, I really gave this much thought;
I added flowers to it, then a plant.
It just did not look right!
I was reminded of the scripture that speaks of us as being,
A treasure in an earthen vessel.
So, I thought what treasure do I have I could put into this
cracked tea pot ?
Not fake pearls, but real ones!
(My Momma's Pearls)
I am so thankful that just because,
I have a few cracks, that God still finds useful
things for me to be used for!
For He calls me one of His treasurs!
Here is the complete set;
Tea Pot
Sugar Bowl
Cream Pitcher




  1. Still traveling but wanted to pop in and say Hi, Roxy! I love the ideas in the teapot- saving both of them for their special memories- xo Diana

  2. Rox, What a very precious post. I love, love it. It is beautiful, just like your teapot and pearls. And thank you for reminding me that I am useful and worthy to carry treasures, even though I am cracked. Love you.

  3. Love it!! No matter the cracks, we should always find the hidden treasures! Pearls in a Teapot... amazingly beautiful!!
    Love ya,

  4. Love it Roxy! The pearls are just perfect. They hi-lite each other. So glad that you hung on to it. What a sad world it would be if the good Lord tossed us out because of our imperfections. I don't think there'd be very many of us left. Thanks for sharing with SYC.

  5. You're a smart lady! And what a great lesson in your cracked pot! :)

  6. Hi Roxy,
    there is a place you may purchase replacements for you tea set. Its called Replacements, Ltd.
    I've had to do this often since I have a large collection of tea sets that I use for tea parties and such. They even have vintage china, crystal, silverware, etc.

    Keep the old broken pieces and get replacements.

    I like to create centerpiece scenes with my broken pieces and sometimes I like to do mosaics with them too.

    go to

    Mrs. J.

  7. It's hard when a favorite pot cracks, but you found a great way to use it.


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