Saturday, June 22, 2013

Fire And Smoke

Colorado's Worst Forest Fires Ever!

We have eight fires burning as of tonight in our state.
It seems like when theses kind of disasters hit us,
We are forced to see how frail we are.
We are but dust...
Ashes to ashes

This is where our daughter went on her first date;
Which is totally gone.
It looks like a war zone!

With the drought conditions, we are a tinder box!
The wind rages.
The ash falls

 The smoke just billows up and up!
Firefighters do what they are trained to do.
Fight Fires!

The sun and moon are blood red!
We wait!
You cannot be outside.
Our eyes burn and water.
There is ash on everything.
Our hearts feel heavy...
So much loss and destruction!
Please pray for Colorado!


  1. Eddie just called out that they have said there are 10 (2 are on the border between two states) currently burning.. unbelievable. So sad. We are all praying to be sure. See you tomorrow friend.

  2. I meant to tell you that I love the new picture of you and Danny. You both look great;

  3. Praying from the road here-which has been covered in rain today...and wishing I could send some your way. God bless Colorado - xo Diana

  4. Dear Roxy, It would seem you are in the middle of the "fire zone"....I forgot you were down south more. We had the hide park fire last year and a small one in Estes several weeks ago but nothing like what is happening down south. May His mercy and grace cover all who are impacted and all who are fighting these blazes.
    Sending hugs and prayers to you today.

  5. How awful Roxy. I am so sad to hear of these fires and that you are so near them. Such a beautiful state being lost to the destruction of fire. I will be praying for you and for Colorado.

    Blessings My Friend.....VIcky
    Life On Willie Mae Lane

  6. My sister lives in Alamosa...she can see the smoke from there. I am so sorry for the fire tragedy.

    Keep faith, and I'll be praying for you.

    Peace in Christ,

  7. I prayed for you.

    Father God, I ask you to put these fires out, save lives, homes, businesses. Please, in Jesus' Name.
    So Be it.


  8. How frightening for you all. We had heard of the fires as few weeks ago but I didn't know they were still burning, or that there were more of them!

    Praying you all stay safe!

  9. I just want to thank everyone of you for your prayers!
    My life has been transformed because of prayers. NEVER NEVER
    Underestimate the power of your prayers! I receive them and I agree with them. And we all thank you as we trust that God is in control.
    I just cried when I read all of these comments!!
    Blessings to ALL of you! Roxy


I really appreciate your comments! May they be kind and helpful to encourage my walk, and bless others as they read them. Thank-you!