Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Balancing Our Time...

Balancing Our Time...

We are all given 24 hours a day.
We all have 52 Sundays in a year.

God has given us season's a time to plant and a time to harvest.

I have found that time can slip away;
So, As a manager of this home, I must manage my time!
By making priorities for each day and season's.
I can have some control!
God will one day ask me to give an account of my time.

It is very important to have wisdom in what is important,
For yourself and family.

Your time with the Lord!!
Without this you will not have direction or peace.
A woman of God should have the demeanor of a gentle and quiet spirit.
We can only attain this by being in His presence.

Making a list of homemaking needs for the day:

For making a choice early in the morning for what you plan to serve for dinner.
(Very Important)

Get a load of laundry going as it helps to not have that
Feeling of laundry overload!!

I always like to tackle a room of my home and get it in order.

I even like to ask my hubby if he needs me to do anything or him today.
I have found over the years, it is usually only a phone call or to go to the bank for him.
And he always is so blessed that I have tried to take a small
burden off of him.

Take some time to enjoy this season of warm weather.
Find a good book to read!
Eat ice cream!!
Love Your Family
It is the only one you have!
God has intrusted this treasure to you.
Living From Glory To Glory Blog
Remember to make time for the most important things!
Living From Glory To Glory 


  1. Roxy...your posts always inspire me to be better! You are full of the spirit of the Lord and it is evident in everything you say here...:) I appreciate your wisdom so much and love to read and reflect on your words! How is the fire situation? Prayers for you & Colorado!

    Blessings, Vicky
    Life On Willie Mae Lane

  2. Wise advice, I usually ask my husband every morning if there is something he needs me to do, it's often just a small errand but it helps lighten his load. And I always take the time (or make the time) to enjoy family

  3. Roxy- What a great post. I have always had this incredible sense of time slipping away since I was a child. I think we need to make the most of every precious moment. We never know when we will touch a life and make a lasting impression. Blessings- wonderful post- xo Diana

  4. Lovely post Roxy. Time is certainly precious. If we start with focusing on our Lord, the rest falls into place, as He strengthens and equips us. Blessings :)

  5. Great advice, Roxy! For me, I sometimes get the feeling that I'm not productive enough. But, by following the things you listed I know the important things will get done...first and foremost, my time with the Lord. Thanks for linking up at The Beauty in His Grip for Sharing His Beauty!

    Blessings, Joan

    P.S. This is a beautiful blog...I love the pictures and design - so feminine! :-)

  6. Roxy, thanks so much for stopping by my blog. We could all use this message on time management. Blessings!


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