Saturday, August 3, 2013

Slip Sliding Away In The Summer Time...

Slip And Slide, Living From Glory To Glory Blog...

As a child I remember this time of the Summer being called
The dog days of Summer!
The summer days just went as slow as molasses;
It was so hot the dog would not even move.
We played on our slip and slip
 and we filled
our water tubs to sit in to keep cool.
We made our homemade Popsicles out of Kool-aid!
We went to the lake!
We went to the pool sometimes.
Summer lasted for a whole year it seemed like!
It was so hot outside my Momma had coined the phrase,
"It is Hotter then Blue Blaze's out here!"
Now, that just kinda stuck in my head,
As a grown woman today when it's really hot,
I can hear myself saying!!
"It's Hotter then Blue Blaze's out here today!!"
Every night we would play outside till dark, playing
all are favorite games.
Kick the can!
But now it seems like summer just slips and slides away!

May we make the time and enjoy the rest of these
Summer days!
Let us not  allow any of our days slip away!
Dance in His showers of refreshment,
Sing and play while the sun warms your skin.
For summer has a way of slipping away.


  1. Roxy- I heard exactly the same thing when I was a kid- That it was "blazing hot". As a kid, I always thought it referred to Hell's fire. lol That was a great recap of a summer day. I loved summers as a kid. xo Diana

  2. I remember many summer days spent with you and Ashley. And I can just hear you saying, "its blazing hot out here!" I remember slip and sliding with Ashley. I don't think I had every slip and slided before! I remember having Popsicles made out of Kool-aid! I know it was some of the happiest moments of the Summer months for me. And now, it does go by so fast. Thank you for the happy memories and the reminder. I love you!


    P.S. I devour every one of your comments on my blog. You are so special to me......

  3. Roxy,

    You brought back cherishable memories from childhood.

    Remember slumber parties and just laying down in the grass and watching the clouds and using your imagination to see all sorts of things take shape and form from those clouds?



  4. The time does go by so fast now, doesn't it? I remember as a child, time seemed to just creep by ever so slowly. May we take advantage of the time the Lord has given us each day. ♥

  5. Summer sure does seem to slip away! I remember the slip and slide, playing under the sprinkler, and playing outside all day it seemed! I can remember those homemade popsicles too! Such sweet memories...:) Hope your Saturday has been blessed...Vicky
    Life On Willie Mae Lane

  6. Hi Roxie! I remember all those games and the Slip n Slide for sure! When my kids were young, we would coat the Slip n Slide with dish soap. Oh my gosh, it was amazing. The would slip like crazy and get bubbles all over!

    Had to stop when it started killing the grass :(

    Happy August!

  7. Roxy, the other day I wrote this saying on my chalkboard, "Sweet lazy days of summer". Afterwards, I thought about how I have had NO lazy days to speak of. Seems like we have been playing catch up ever since we got home from our vacation to Spain and Portugal. I too thought summer went on forever when I was young. Love every minute of it! My mom said that saying sometimes too.

  8. I can remember many a summer playing under the sprinkler in my bathers (swimmers), sadly many children (in Australia) can no longer do this due to recent droughts and restrictions on water usage outside.

    Our summers are very hot and often too hot to do very much so they can be very lazy, lying around reading trying to stay cool.

  9. Hi Roxy, I well remember playing in the sprinklers and also on a slip and slide-such innocence and such fun. It is hard to believe that August is already upon us. WE had wonderful weather in Alaska but came home to severe hail storms.
    Thanks for sharing the memories.
    Hugs, Noreen

  10. My people say "hotter than blue blazes" too! Summer does whiz by at a much faster pace now.

  11. I'm telling you it was just June a few days back!! And, now in a blink of an eye it's August! Really!!
    Where did it go?! It's definitely moving way quicker as an adult! Sometimes, we just need to stop and rest and wait and thank God for the moment. Just for a moment!

    Such a fun memory this brings back!

    Have a great day!

  12. You brought back memories. Thank you.


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