Tuesday, August 6, 2013

The Heavens Will Open One Day...

God's Amazing Creation, Living From Glory To Glory Blog
A Dream
In my dream my hubby says to me Roxy you gotta
Come and see this!
So I go outside with him and we are standing out by our pool.
I look up and the sky just opens up and there is an
Amazing glorious Fire.
These flames are so majestic!
I am in awe...
I fall down and I worship God!
Praise pours forth from my lips!
When I awake from this dream I know it was a God dream!
I called my friend Pam that morning, and told her about my dream.
 And she said to me, we will see the Fire Of God!
Later that same day, but now it was evening time.
She was returning back home towards the mountains.
They looked out into the Eastern plains and this is what she saw!
There was an opening into the sky and a huge mass of fire looking
colors were in the sky (right over our land).
I am a dreamer!


  1. That is AMAZING, Roxy. Dreams really do come true. Beautiful photograph you got there- xo Diana

  2. I love it! God really does give us dreams and visions!! He's just simply AMAZING!!!


  3. What an amazing thing to behold! And to think...that's only the beginning! What an awesome God we serve! In the meantime, keep dreaming those wonderful dreams :)

  4. Hi Roxy, You know I truly believe in dreams and visions and am thankful He still moves this way. I love Amy's comment; what an amazing God we serve. Thanks for sharing.
    Hugs, Noreen

  5. What a beautiful photo! He speaks to the hearts of those who are listening. He is visible in His creation.


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