Saturday, September 28, 2013

Be Very Cautious

 I really wonder how many of the  people
I have seen on all the street corner's,
Would really rather work for their food
And not take Charity?
I have not seen on any signs lately that say,
"I Do Not Want Charity"
I had a very worry some situation this afternoon,
While shopping  today
We encountered a man outside the store
He asked us for any quarters we might have.
Now, I told him maybe on the way out,
But there was a creepy feeling that I was experiencing.
So as were were leaving we tried to be quick about it.
He repeated the same thing he said to us on the
way into the store.
The thing that really bothered me was how highly agitated,
He was with us.
I think we really need to be very cautious in these days!
I do want to help those who are struggling!
We must always remember the poor!
But, I felt a wee bit threatened in this particular situation!
My Hubby, has warned me many times be mindful of your situation!
And your surroundings!
So Ladies let's be cautious and use wisdom!


  1. I think when we feel threatened it is God telling us the situation is dangerous. Your hubby is right, always be aware of your surroundings. I know sometimes I forget to be aware of what's going on around me when I am in a familiar spot, such as the grocery store or Target. Great reminder to be aware!

  2. Its very important not to open your purse in front of someone wanting money as they will see what other money you have. I tend to not give money to those on the street but i do give money to charity organisations to use for those struggling. Its best to just walk on, I know it sounds heartless but your safety is important.

  3. I am with you, Roxy. We can't be too cautious anymore. It sounds to me like the man was probably on drugs. xo Diana

  4. Hi Roxy! You know, sometimes the stores need to be aware that there are people pan-handling outside their doors. I don't think they like that much.

    Good for you to listen to your instincts. I am so glad that nothing bad happened to you! May God protect you always.


  5. Wise advice, I think we need to be so careful these days. Like so many have already said we need to be aware of our surroundings whenever we venture out.

  6. It really is true Rox. It calls us for a deeper prayer of discernment, because I am like you... I love to help when it is right, but there are situations where it is not good. I have experienced both situations and I don't like the feeling I get sometimes.

    Love Ya

  7. Roxy,
    Duhhhhhh! I really thought you were already on my side bar! Thank you for bringing that to my attention. Your blog always inspires me and I want others to be touched as well.
    I see a lot of people like that as of late. I usually give whatever I have. There was a time when people like that scared me. I didn't have much sympathy and wondered how they got in such a predicament. I wondered how they spent the money... on food or drugs, cigarettes and alcohol. I figured if I worked for my money they could, too. After spending some time volunteering at the homeless Mission downtown..... I no longer think about that. I just give what I have at the time. I do it for "me" more than them. It makes me feel good. Their stories are heart breaking..... whether they had a bad childhood, suffer from mental illness or are handicapped. They remind me how good I have it.... and by the grace of God.... there go I. I praise God and give with a joyful heart.

    Wishing you a wonderful week.


I really appreciate your comments! May they be kind and helpful to encourage my walk, and bless others as they read them. Thank-you!