Tuesday, September 24, 2013

How To Come Home...

Living From Glory to Glory Blog...

Coming Home

I have been thinking for a while about this thought!

So many families almost all need two incomes,
Because they are now in a place that dictates this is how it must be.

As I was pondering this thought, I believe what I realized,
Is this:

The very first part of this transition has to be prayer!
Because coming home is a matter of the heart.

We have to get positioned!


We must go to the Lord and ask for Him to change
Our Hubby's heart, that his desire is for his wife to be able to stay HOME!
This can take quite a while, because everybody's wife works!
We are conditioned to think this is normal.

And we also need time to re-adjust our way of living style!
Our spending.
How are we now managing our HOMES?
Our we showing our Husbands we desire to be HOME?
Not by whining and complaining;
But rather setting the house in order and loving HIM!!
You may just have to sell your home and downsize.

You may have to double up and maybe work a second job for a while
To get out of some debt!
You discuss this plan together!

And just for the record, I get it!
Some women do not want to come HOME,
So this message is not for all women!!

I have seen God Bring many women HOME!

Because the world wants ALL women to leave their children and let the system
Raise and educate the children.
(Your Children)
Now, I am talking about even the first 5 years of a child's life.

So, step ONE is to PRAY!
Make out a prayer sheet and ASK God, how can this be done?
Because He has a plan that will work.
It may take some time, but well worth the investment!



  1. Hi Roxy! I was so blessed to be able to stop working when the kids were small. It really is a gift.

    I know how much you love to be a homemaker, and it shows in this post. I pray that all those women who want to be home, can be!

    Happy Tuesday!

  2. I stayed home for many years because my kids were far apart in age. I babysat other kids and did some crafts, etc., but I would not trade that time with my children for anything. Your post was good advice, Roxy!

  3. It is hard in today's world for most women to be home with their kids. And some women are so educated that they are the breadwinner in their family. It's a touchy subject in many families. I an blessed that I was able to be home with my kids when they were little. My hubby had brain surgery when he was 40 so I became the primary bread winner for a few years- xo Diana

  4. Such a good post Roxy! Not everyone can be blessed and are able to stay home, but when I was called home it was the best decision for me and for my growing family. God was so "right on" with all of our finances and downsizing that we did to make this happen. AND, I am so blessed to continue to stay at home. My prayer is that all girls would have that desire to want to be the keeper of their homes. So many girls out there today would rather wear the pants and control things than be a helpmate to their husbands. So sad.

    Great post. Glad its almost bedtime :)

    In God's Grace,

  5. Excellent advice Roxy. All major changes in our lives must be bathed in prayer. I thank God that we did what we had to do and gave up what we had to give up so that I could be the one to be with our children.

    Can we afford for me to be home? No. But can we afford for me not to be home? Absolutely not. The benefits are worth the costs. The costs must be counted though.

    Laura Lane
    Harvest Lane Cottage

  6. I thank the Lord everyday for allowing my husband to allow me to stay home.

    It is a gift and a blessing from our dear Lord.

    Blessings to you.


  7. It's been worth it all!

    Shared on Google +, https://www.pinterest.com/pin/67905906867521096/ ,
    https://www.facebook.com/HarvestLaneCottage/posts/1459967974088581 .

    Be blessed my friend!


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