Saturday, September 21, 2013

Table Talk...

 Table Talk
How does your table get used?
For many, many years we did homeshooling at it!
We have done Bible studies on it!
We have laughed till we cried at it!

This wonderful hutch is filled with my many
Aprons, that I have made for myself.
I consider them my lovely uniform :)
Now, I have saved a many cute shirt or top from permanent damage,
By wearing an apron when I cook
Over the years...

Okay, Now I got your attention!!

 This is an Anaheim Green Chili,

Placed in an omelet mixed with a little bit of
Pancake batter to make it really full and filling.
You use a nice cheddar cheese on both the top and bottom.
Allow it to get fully done and slightly crisp.


 Yummy Yummy
This is for my Hubby!
I think he likes me...
I have many Girlfriends;
But this Girlfriend Rocks!!
Here she is....

This Girl has been known to get jealous over my other girlfriend.
(The Crock-Pot)
Isn't she just darling?
I have had her for almost 30years.
She has aged well, hasn't she?
It is because she is loved!

Buy a cookbook for your crock pot!

So any way you cook it!
It will bless and nourish your loved ones!



  1. This girlfriend is jealous over the big stainless steel girlfriend... She is a beauty and of course I have always admired her since she became your friend.... now I want her... or one like her. It is on my list. Love the post and am feeling a little hungry for that Green Chili omelet I think I better go down and make a little something special for my man right now... my stomach is telling me he will want a little something like that for breakfast
    when he comes back in.
    Love and blessings

  2. Sweet post Roxy! I That omelet looks divine! My son would love it...:) Your girlfriend is a! Have a blessed Sunday!

    Hugs, Vicky
    Life On Willie Mae Lane

  3. I almost laughed out loud at your crockpot. I have one from the same "vintage"! It still works, so why get rid of it? My old electric knife finally bit the dust, so I guess I will replace it!

  4. My grandmother used to have an electric skillet that she cooked Sunday lunch in while she was at church. She would have loved a crock pot!

  5. You are so cute, Roxy :) My husband and I love green Chile's and will freeze fresh ones to use during the Winter months. They are quite delicious chopped up and put on homemade pizza :) I hope you're doing well - enjoy your week!


  6. Well a girl can never get too lonely with all of those friends.



  7. Hey cutie, I can only imagine what my table would say if it could talk. Lots of tales of feasting, game playing, and chit chat. The Chile looks so yummy. I have some I froze. Will be giving this a try.

  8. :-) nice to 'meet' your girlfriends!

    I would have to add my food mixer to my list of girlfriends in my kitchen!

  9. I'm not really jealous over the stainless steel girlfriend, but I must say I would love the warmer part of her :) And, the crock pot is very well loved! She has made a many meals in it over the years. I love my crock pot too! My dad always knew how to pick the good ones! :)
    I have lots of girl friends too and I am so blessed to be able to find more through out this blogging journey we are all in!
    Such a cute post.

    Have a wonderful week!
    In God's Grace,

  10. It was so nice to meet your "special" friends - I have a few of those around my house too, they are such reliable friends!! Your omelette looked very yummy too:00


  11. Hi Girl Friend!
    Yes you have some pretty girl friends Roxy! I love the crock pot! I have one just like this that I got at the GoodWill and I love her so much! Her shape is just right. She is missing a handle but that is ok, just as long as she does what she was created to do!

    You make some really pretty lunches. I want to come over right now and have some with you! And maybe several pots of tea as well?

    Love you so much!

  12. Say, Roxy, can you give me the recipe for that pepper dish? It looks so delicious!


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