Monday, September 9, 2013

Homemakers Needed

 Being a homemaker is a real job!
It deserves to be resuscitated and given life...
Do not let it die on your watch dear ones!
I do not care what the culture is saying or doing!
We need the art of homemaking to make a complete
Not the worldly view of what a home should look like!
Many of the children our being taught from a  non-christian curriculum.
Why must the women be absent from their homes?
Maybe Because;
Woman want to be away from their homes and children. Or because the
Daddies are not available or just being lazy or never grew up.
Yet sowed his seed to bring another Fatherless child,
Into a world where we no longer cherish children.
So Many our suffering from rejection!
(Men and Women)
Because we have bought the lie of we need more.
We have to now pay the price. to COME HOME
What can we give up?
Two Cars
Big Homes
Perfect Hair
Living Large
We are selfish;
We no longer cherish our bodies,
We sell them for cheap sex.( No Commitment)
We place tattoos upon them!
Our bodies our a gift...
Watch out!
They may require you to wear a number one day...
But you will be so seared you will not even think it odd.
Come home dear Women
Come home dear Men
The battle is for the Heart Of The HOME
Do not let the enemy have what God has ordained.
The Home


  1. Wonderful post Roxy! You are so right. I am grateful that my mother made the choice to be a keeper of the home, and taught my sisters and I to be homemakers. I am finding it very fulfilling to care for my home and husband, it fact it is a dream come true!

  2. Hi Roxie! Being a homemaker is definitely a hard job. I know my sister said it was the hardest thing she ever did. Being responsible for a house and family is a high calling, and has needs that only a Mom can answer sometimes.

    Our bodies are a gift! I loved that line :)

    I know that commenting on my site is a burden for you, Roxie. You don't have to comment. I'll still be coming here. Happy to be blog-friends!

  3. Homemakers are a great gift to the family and they most certainly carry extra love.



  4. If more girls were raised to honor this title than put it down, the world would be a better place! Where did those days go? I take pride in my role as a wife, mother, homemaker and part timer out of the home! Great post!

  5. Preach it sister! I like to call myself a "Stay-At-Home-Diva". My home is what matters most. Loved your words.

  6. Thank you! I love what you write about this.

  7. Totally agree with this post, Roxy. I haven't been online much the last few weeks so have missed catching up on my favourite blogs, so this is me catching up!

    We only have one car, don't have a very big house and don't go on fancy holidays but I don't wish that we did! If it is a choice between these things and staying at home with my boys, well, there isn't much to think about really!

    It's great to connect with so many other like minded women across the globe too.


I really appreciate your comments! May they be kind and helpful to encourage my walk, and bless others as they read them. Thank-you!