Friday, September 6, 2013

Classic Pink

 Pink Classic
My cruiser style bike, she is so pretty!
My Hubby took her in for a tune-up early this Summer.
This surely is a sign this little Lady is getting older.
Let me explain;
When I was a young girl my bike was bright purple!
It had a Banana seat on it.
A slick back tire.
And no extra gears!
And chopper handle bars.
I loved that bike :)

Now fast forward almost 50 years.
Now pink is for flowers;

And Little Old Lady's  cruiser!

May we ride like the wind, and squeal with delight!
For time really does fly by.
I heard a sermon today that really touched me.
This man was telling us that while here on this earth,
We are all really dying!
It is when we get to Heaven we really begin living.
While on this earth,
We can eat really well and eat only organic and,
We can exercise and keep ourselves in shape.
We are all perishing!
Where are your treasures?
Our you investing into the Eternal?
Ride like the wind and enjoy each day!
For we are to take pleasure,
And treat each day as a gift.
Live with intent and desire a pure heart.
Invest in a life by being an example.
For living life is an art!


  1. Very touching.
    Love your pink bike!
    My husband bought me a blue one at a garage sale a few years ago. I planted flowers in the front basket and it sits in front of my shed (my little shabby chic house in the back yard). I love it but I don't "ride" it.
    Have a wonderful weekend!!

  2. Oh gooness, I love this post Rox. And I say amen. Love that pink cruiser; and I had a bike with a banana seat when I was a kid too. We thought they were something special didn't we? But now I like the pink cruiser haha.
    I can't quite picture myself on a banana seat any more.
    Love the vintage look of that cruiser. Now if we could just get out and bike ride together; I believe if we lived in a neighborhood with paved roads and were close by each other, we would ride our bikes all the time don't you? Thanks for the great post.

  3. Hi Roxy,

    Thank you for stopping by my blog! So glad you enjoyed it. : ) I really like your pink bicycle. My bicycle is a vintage reproduction, far more comfortable and attractive than modern bicycles.

    May you have a blessed weekend!


  4. Love the pink bike. Yes to be more eternally focused, live like we are dying, that should be the way we approach each day. Blessings to you

  5. I have the SAME pink bike! While I love to look at it, I find it extremely heavy to ride!

  6. Beautiful thoughts! I had a great bike like that...mine was blue!

  7. I love, love, love your pink bike!

    You know, people who don't know Christ are really "dead men walking". We are ALIVE in CHRIST!

  8. I also love your bike Roxy. I had been searching our free classifieds website for an authentic vintage bike to use a prop for my vintage hire business, most were too expensive or too far away but just 2 weeks ago I found one. It had been painted aqua blue and was a great price. It was 'pick up only' in a city about 2 hours away but we just jumped in the van and brought it home. It has no brakes but we'll add some and maybe I might dare ride it then! Just bought a more authentic wicker basket for the front which was more expensive than the bike itself! I can't wait to fill it with flowers... thinking blue hydrangeas would be perfect.


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