Wednesday, September 4, 2013

How To Make My Secret Walnut Recipe...

 A Delicious and Nutritious Walnut Recipe
This walnut snack is so delicious, I just crave it!
I have decided that this cannot be kept a secret any longer.

I have made and consumed so many batches of these;
They are very healthy for you!

My Secret Walnut Recipe
2 cups raw walnuts
 (I get mine from the health food store)
Here is a tip I have learned,
~ I place my walnuts in a strainer and shake them to get off all the little bitter peices~
2 heaping Tablespoons of coconut oil
Add a sprinkle of cayenne powder 
A shake or two of a Creole Seasoning
Also add a shake of a good mineral salt
Mix well

 I love coconut oil so much!
And it is so healthy and good for you!
Living From Glory To Glory Blog

I like a nice thick coating of coconut oil on my walnuts.
I add my spices to taste, you can also use a bit of garlic salt.
~I store my walnuts in a pint size jar in the refrigerator.~
They taste yummy cold!
Here is a link on how healthy walnuts are and why we should eat them!
Here is a link of 10 health benefits of eating coconut oil
I would love to hear how you liked this if you try it.
I will tell you they are amazing!


  1. You are such a good person to use yourself as the "tester". What awfully hard work that must have been. Thanks for the recipe. I bet these are addictive! xo Diana

  2. I love walnuts and this recipe sounds interesting. Does the coconut oil solidify on the nut? I have never used it before. I usually just eat my nuts plain. I think I am going to go grab a handful right now...:)

    Blessings, Vicky
    Life On Willie Mae Lane

  3. This recipe looks interesting. I have been hearing a lot about coconut oil lately to help ward off alzheimer's. One article suggested a tablespoon daily. Could you possibly just drink a T of it?

  4. Hmmm!

    I may have to try this recipe.

    Thank you so much for sharing.



  5. Roxy,
    Oh why did I read this without having the ingredients on hand?!!! Oh dear me, now I really want this!!! I LOVE how you created this to be so addictive and also so healthy! Certainly something that I am going to have to make very soon!

    Love you so and also love your taste testing! You are a dear!

  6. If you were looking at me you would see my eyes big, excited, hungry and contemplating my next grocery trip! I can't wait to try it Roxy!! You always have cozy, yummy, delicious, secret recipes up your sleeve!! Thanks for sharing with us! I feel pretty special:D I LOVE YOU!

  7. I'm not one for eating oily things, but these do looking interesting. Walnuts always remind me of my childhood as we have over 20 walnut trees on our farm. All the children had to pick up the nuts in the middle of winter and then an italian man would come along and buy the lot - I have no idea what he used them for, perhaps to pickle. Cashew is my favourite nut.

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. Yes, I have had the fun blessing of getting to try yours. Now I must make some of this up for Steve and I, because I can testify it is very good.

  10. Roxy, they sound amazing! I love any kind of a nut. Must be why I am such a nut. lol! Thanks for sharing your secret recipe with SYC.

  11. I'm going to try these! I LOVE walnuts. Actually, I love just about any kind of nut, but some are dangerous to my teeth. My dentist has told me to steer clear of one of my favorites (almonds). But walnuts I can eat with no problem! I pinned this post to my appetizer board and featured it at this week's Grace at Home party. Thank you so much for linking up!

  12. Jeepers, this sounds like something my husband would really go for.


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