Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Lavendar Oil

There is nothing like the scent of Lavender!
I truly think this has been my most favorite God given Herb.
I use this as a decoration in my home, because it really
Looks very rich and colorful. I like to cut it off the plant,
And place it in different baskets, and place them in my rooms.
You can use it in your bedroom or even the kitchen!
The fragrance is just so soothing to me.
I love to wear it in the evening as it brings a sweet peace to me.
After a long day, it just helps you to feel calm.
And it gives you a feeling of refreshment!

I have been using Lavender oil for over ten years !
The medicinal uses of this oil are amazing!
I use it on burns or any kinds of scraps,
It is great for skin problems.
I consider this oil as a beauty treatment for myself.
You can even use it on your tongue for canker sores!
My Grandchildren come to me with all their scraps,
As they know this oil helps and will not sting them!
I recommend this oil to everyone!


  1. This is all so good to know. I love lavender, too!

  2. Love the lavender oil. It's supposed to be good for breathing issues also. When we were in Oregon, we picked lavender and brought it back with us. I let it dry and then shucked it down and put the dried flowers in an enclosed vase. We open it often for a wonderful smell of lavender that fills our home. We also purchased pure distilled lavender at the farm and watched them distill it. Fascinating.

  3. I have been thinking about the oils all week, and here you post about it. I just ordered a bottle of Lavender oil and a couple of others. Lavender is my favorite too.
    I love how your grandsons come over for some... that is so precious.

  4. Roxy, a few years back I made some lavender oils and I loved added a few drops to my bath water. It is so soothing and love, love that smell! It is definitely a wonderful gift from God! Thanks for sharing with SYC.

  5. Hi Roxy! I didn't know you could use lavender oil on canker sores? And it doesn't hurt? That's a great tip!

    No wonder the grandkids run to you with their 'boo-boo's'! My daughter gets canker sores a lot, and she's currently pregnant. An herbal remedy like this would be perfect. Thanks for the tip!!

    Blessings :)

  6. Lavender is my fave scent, with rosemary second! :)

  7. Lavender is my fave scent, with rosemary second! :)

  8. I am also a fan of lavender and my lavender will flower in the next few weeks which will be lovely. My son bought me some lovely lavender scented hand-cream that I have been using which is nice. Its not my most favourite scent - that would have to go to jasmine and gardenia.

  9. I am also a fan of lavender and my lavender will flower in the next few weeks which will be lovely. My son bought me some lovely lavender scented hand-cream that I have been using which is nice. Its not my most favourite scent - that would have to go to jasmine and gardenia.

  10. I have always loved the fragrance. My grandmother gave me yardley's lavender soap every year at Christmas. But I didn't know about lavender oil!! Thanks for telling me this.

  11. Lavender is absolutely a gift from God to us! How amazing all His creation is, praise His Name! I always love visiting your blog and feeling the peace that you portray in your posts. As a result, I've nominated you for a blog award! Congrats! If you wish to receive it, please visit me at God bless you this week!

  12. Yes, lavender certainly works wonders! Thank you for the great information. Hugs to you!

  13. If I am not careful, lavender can give me an intense headache; however, there was a time when I wasn't sleeping well and my sister-in-law gave me some of this same brand essential oil and a diffuser. It knocked everyone in the house out for three hours. I've believed in the efficacy of lavender ever since. =D

    Thank you so much for stopping by recently. I apologize for the time it has taken to get back to visit you. (I lost you for a bit there and had to go looking very carefully.)

  14. When I had unexplained tingling in my lips and face, my pastor prayed for me, then told me to use lavender oil. It worked. The tingling was from the unbearable stress that I was under at the time. Thank you Jesus for that wisdom.

    God bless you friend. I've not commented in a few posts. I thought you'd like to know how far I've gotten in your blog.
    God bless you!


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