Saturday, October 5, 2013

Bringing In The Harvest

 As Far As The Eye Can See!
I would like to share my neck of the woods with you all!

It is always so nice to see a part of other people's homes
And where they live, as we all have been placed within
the borders, God has chosen for us!

As we all have experienced the feelings of
Want or Wow, as we wander through Blogs ville.

Some of the Blogs have such amazing pictures.
Others are filled with DIY information!

So many recipe's that make my mouth water :)
Others with very important facts...

Some, that just make you feel comfy and cozy.
And apart of their family.

You are all so unique!

I am learning to be content!
There can be a peace in the country,
 and peace in the city.
For peace is a relationship!
First with God!
Then peace with all those Christ has surrounded you with!

Sometimes, when I go to town and on the way back home,
It will just hit me on how far out we actually live :)
Where am I going with this you're asking?
(If you're still reading this)
Every person out there in Blogs ville is real,
And they have many different faces and situations.
But we all have this common thread.
We are living our lives!
Will this post encourage you?
Or will this bring dis-satisfaction?
We all have our own lives to live!
Live them well!
This is not a dress rehearsal dear ones!
This is your stage, and your words count!
Your Home speaks!!
Do not want, what others have.
Rather be who He has called YOU to be!
For you dear ones ARE the Harvest!
May we be found bring in the sheaves!


  1. Very true - be content with what you have otherwise you will send your entire life wanting everything else but will never be happy. I find even the smallest things can make me happy these days, it doesn't need to be expensive or flashy or even have a price tag:)))

    Lovely bales of hay, reminds me when I was a child and it was hay time. Nothing nicer than the smell of hay in a summers day.

    Blessings for the week ahead


  2. I love the pictures... there is something so pretty about
    bales of hay. Steve and I always like to see the bales in the field. It is a good post Rox. It is a good reminder that every person behind every blog is real.. every person has the good and the difficult of life that they deal with, and also to be reminded to cherish what we have... our very own portion is a good portion what ever it looks like, and only the enemy can convince us that someone else's is better.
    Love and Blessings,

  3. Thank you for such a beautiful post, Roxy. Sometimes when we visit blogs it can make us feel sad that we have less than someone else. But when we realise that our Heavenly Father puts us in the perfect place, and surrounds us with the people we need, in his special plan for us, we can be happy and content. He doesn't make mistakes : )

    Lesley x

  4. What you said is so true, Roxy. I have to admit that I am guilty from time to time of wanting what others are fortunate to have...a nicer home, a nicer car, whatever. It doesn't take long for My Father to set me straight and then I repent and go on. I really am the most content in my little 1350 sq. ft. home snapping away on my little point-and-shoot...sometimes taking pics of lovely bales of hay...I just love seeing them in the fields! Thank you for a great reminder to always appreciate what God has blessed me with!

  5. We shall come rejoicing bringing in the sheaves!

  6. So true Roxy and I am happy just being me! I love that we are all different and unique. What a boring world this would be if we were all exactly alike. I say be who you are and love being it! I am happy to live where I do. I can also see that others have wonderful things that they can enjoy each and every day. God shares his beauty with us all!

  7. You shared an important and wonderful lesson in this post about contentment, dearest friend. More often than not I am content with where I am in life, but there are those few moments that sneak in and the contentment flies out the window. Staying focused upon the Lord is what helps and reminds me of all that I have to be thankful for and it leads to great contentment. Thank you, Roxy! Much love!


I really appreciate your comments! May they be kind and helpful to encourage my walk, and bless others as they read them. Thank-you!