Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Our Bedroom Makeover

 Here is a picture of my old drapes.
Ten years ago I really liked them!
They were a very pretty pattern and very thick material.
I always have to line my drapes becaus my Hubby works nights.
I already had taken down all the pictures, when I thought,
take some before and after pictures for my blog. 


 This room has very tall ceilings.
Two long walls and of course to short walls.
Which means only two walls to work with for a big bed and dresser.
There is only plan A for moving the furniture around.

 Okay You all can gasp...
I had a pink wall,
HAD a pink wall!
Pepto Bismal anyone?
(Really I liked it!)

 Teal carpet...
It was in style 20 years ago!
(I really liked it too!)
Now the after:

 We painted it a very pretty warm golden color.
It made the room so cozy!
It made it so calming and peaceful for us.

 Notice the lush thick beige carpet!
God is so amazing,
 we found this in the back of a carpet store.
It was on one of those big rolls way in the back.
I was praying Lord, help me find a treasure.
This carpet went for $28.00 a yard!
We got it for $2.78 a yard!!
The man said to me lady you got expensive taste.
He said we quit selling carpet like this because people,
do not buy this expensive stuff anymore.
So, it was just waiting for me. 

 My new bedspread,
 pretty white with lovely flowers on it.

 My new curtains!
We spray painted our old lamps black,and
We  bought new lamp shades for them.
 Cutting out these curtains was very hard!
My dear friend Pam came out and helped me!
I could not of done it by myself, as the pattern in this thick
material had to line up just right.
We had three windows to cover in our room.
Thank You Pam!
I Praise God for you!!

 I was smoking hot on this machine!
I did so much sewing on this project my machine
needed a tune-up afterwards.

All the designs in this print lined up perfect!
I am so blessed!
So, in another 20years will the beige carpet be out of style?
The salesman told me that this carpet was over 20 years old.
And God saved it just for me!


  1. It looks great, Roxy! I hope that neutral colors never go out of style and that you'll be good to go. I like the wall color a lot. It's neutral without being blah.

  2. Beautiful~ it looks wonderful.

    Hope you are enjoying this beautiful Autumn day!

  3. I love it so much!! I can't believe how nice it all came out. I love how it all fits so nice together. Very glad that Pam was there to help you out on the curtains. What a big job!! But sure did pay off.
    Miss you tons.

    P.S. I am sad to see the pink wall go. Ha ha

  4. Yeah, the pink wall really didn't fit in that room anymore. I remembered when we painted it that color and we both thought "oh boy, what did we do?!" It did grow on you after a while and it looked pretty with your décor. But NOW, your room is so cozy and warm and so in style! I don't think that carpet will ever go out of style, well of course if shag comes back, then you might need to worry! :)

    Yes, Pam you did an amazing job helping that day! You are a keeper if you ask me.

    Love you!

  5. You did a great job and your room looks lovely and inviting now. Very impressed with the curtains they look lovely.

    Sleep well in your new room.

  6. The room looks fantastic and you are a marvelous decorator.

    Cheers to you.



  7. Hi Roxy! I love the golden yellow color, it looks so 'warm' in your room. And how about that carpet? Waiting all this time for you to appreciate it. God is so good!

    Your drapes turned out perfectly too! And it's fun to see so many beautiful photos of you :)

    Enjoy your new room :)

  8. I love your new bedroom! It is funny how colors come in and out of style though. I just saw the latest refrigerator colors and there was an avocado green one!! My grandmother's fridge is back in style :)

  9. Wow, the after is truly stunning. You know, when I was a teenager and I would have thought your pink walls were the best thing ever :) You did a beautiful job redecorating. Thanks for sharing!

  10. Don't you love it when that happens Roxy? Yes, God hears and answers prayers. Even about carpet. lol! The room is beautiful and that color of carpet will never go out of style. Thanks for sharing with SYC.

  11. Good for you, Roxy! What a change in your bedroom!! I remember when teal and pink were very much in style. Isn't it amazing how styles change over the years? And of course some things stay the same--like our gratitude for having a place to live!


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