Wednesday, October 30, 2013

How To Make your Own Vanilla Extract...

You Are Going To Love This Vanilla Extract...

Homemade Vanilla Extract. Living From Glory to Glory Blog

 Making your own vanilla is so good!!
And much better tasting than store bought.
Also, the cost is much cheaper in the long run...
Here is how I make it;
First buy a bottle of dark rum
(Not spiced rum)
It's not like I am an expert in Rum :)
Use any bottle or jars you have;
Then poor the dark rum into the jars or bottles.
I prefer to use little jars, so then I have them ready
To give away as gifts!
So, maybe using the half pints is a better idea!

Now, you must have some fresh vanilla beans.
I purchase mine from Vitamin Cottage in the
Refrigeration section.
They come in about 3 to 4 beans per bag.

Now, take your vanilla beans and slice them with a slit down the middle,
Scrap each bean to loosen the vanilla paste in them.
I cut some beans in half, so I place a few small ones
in the little jars, and the longer ones in the
bigger jars or bottles.

See, how pretty they look!

Living From Glory To Glory Blog

I now take these jars and put them a cool dark place,
 allow them to steep for at least a month or longer!
(I do shake each jar a few times while curing)
Now you have a natural and delicious vanilla
With its own amazing
 Fragrance and taste.
There is NO comparing in store bought,
for your baking!
My friend adds it to her coffee and tea also!
If you start this now,
It will make a perfect Holiday and
 Christmas gift!
You can tie a pretty ribbon around it with a favorite
cookie recipe attached to it!
You can keep it all!
It will last forever on your shelves.


  1. Hi Roxy,

    My aunt used to make her own vanilla, and always said it was better than what you can purchase at the store. Good quality vanilla is so expensive I never bother to buy it, but I know there is a difference. How long do you wait for the vanilla to steep before using?

    May you have a blessed day!


  2. I just love my homemade vanilla! I must say I don't think I will ever purchase store bought vanilla again! I put it in anything and everything! Yum!
    Have a great day!

  3. Ooo...I love vanilla and always have a friend of mine buy me some from Mexico when she goes on her yearly trip there. I have always wanted to make my own, but never have - thanks for the inspiration, friend!

    Hugs to you!

  4. Roxy, this post reminds me that I have an entire bottle of homemade vanilla (I make mine with vodka) under the counter. Must get it out and see what it looks like. It's been down there for a year, I think.

  5. No wonder people drink their vanilla! lol That sounds really good- I buy Mexican vanilla and it is pure vanilla, too.

    That is a great gift idea, Roxy! xo Diana

  6. We are having a go at growing our own vanilla vine. Might be a while before we see some vanilla beans though! It's probably not tropical enough here but thought we would give it a go. I am definitely going to make my own vanilla though. What difference does the rum make to using vodka?

  7. Like Vee, I also use vodka, but I like your idea of using rum..will try it soon! A jar of vanilla would make a nice hostess gift.

  8. I love this idea Roxy! I really want to try this if I can find vanilla beans. I am in such a rural area but maybe next time I go to the big city (lol) I can find some! Have a blessed evening my friend and thanks for sharing!

    Hugs, Vicky
    Life On Willie Mae Lane

  9. Roxy I am so excited to try this! You have gotten my mind buzzing with excitement and all the possibilities! You are a treasure!

  10. I make my own vanilla (bought vanilla contains sugar which is why it is sweeter) and I use an entire bottle of vodka and drop in 15 pods (cut down the middle) and found that the longer it was left (6-12 months) the better it was (and the darker it becomes). I could drink mine now as a liqueur as it is so good. I made one for my daughter-in-law and she loves it.

  11. Great recipe and such a fabulous gift idea. Thanks. Don't forget to link up to Inspire Me Tuesday. It will go live on Mon. at 2:30 PT. Hope to see you there. Hugs, Marty

  12. Who knew you could make your own vanilla Roxy? I bet it is delicious! Thanks for sharing it with SYC.

  13. Oh my goodness Roxy!!! I LOVE IT!!! I have never been so excited to go the liquor store ha ha ha! I think it would be a great idea for gifts!

    Thanks so much for your recipe and how to!! I am delighted because I have no vanilla but I do have some vanilla beans that really need to be use up!!


  14. Oh my, that looks like so much fun. And a craft that I can use in the kitchen even better!

  15. Roxy, what a unique gift this is! I never would have thought to make my own vanilla! It looks so elegant in those little glass jars too! Thanks for sharing this lovely idea!


  16. Years ago I read somewhere to use vodka, but oh, wow! Made with rum, I can only imagine the flavor!

    Hugs and happy week,

  17. I'm actually making it for the first time. A friend gave me a vanilla bean and a glass bottle. She told me to let it set for 9 months. I did it right after Christmas, so it must be about ready! My grown son bought the alcohol. I thought it was tequila. I don't know. One thing's the same as another to me that way. It was clear though. I guess I'll find out if it's right when I try to use it. It smells like vanilla though.

    Be blessed,


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