Monday, October 28, 2013

May I Not Complain...

May, I not complain this day while preparing our meals!
I am so grateful for the women who have
Weathered many a storm!
They have stood and endured hard times in this country,
When we were not so prosperous.
Many women still today,
are having tough times!
I feel, so blessed to have a very large kitchen,
with running water, and cupboards filled
with food and provisions!
We sometimes can forget that not too long ago,
This country of ours was in dire straights.
May we give thanks now while we have plenty!
I always think of the story of Joseph...
He prepared and put back for seven years,
while there was plenty...

I want to encourage you women, to be wise homemakers!
  We have to learn to take advantage
of the sales of food items!

Also to buy vegetables and fruits in season,
so you can either freeze them or learn to can them.

This growing season is now over for most of us.
But, may we start where we can;
Purpose in your heart, and plan to put together
A pantry that will sustain your family,
for at least a month!

You must be wise, and buy on sale!
Date and rotate all items!
Buy only what you will eat!
Take a class and learn to can food items!
Always have plenty of drinking water put back!

I have learned this one thing;
No matter the crisis, my family still gets hungry :)
God, has put it in a Mommas heart to feed and
To take care of her family.
I do not want to complain or murmur,
But rather give thanks!
We are very rich indeed!


  1. Thank you for this reminder that "we are very rich indeed!" I pray I will focus on the fullness of God's blessings in my life and make no room for complaining and grumbling. Great post!

  2. Thank you, dearest Roxy, for these words of wisdom. May I never forget the blessings the Lord has bestowed upon me and my precious family, and may I be a wise homemaker. I hope your weekend was lovely and the renewing of your vows was extra special :) Love and hugs!

  3. This was a very, precious post Rox, It was so well said, and is always timely. I am always so blessed when I remember how much I have. I do feel so Thankful for it. And, I am thankful for you and all of your gifts.
    Love and Blessings,

  4. What a great post Roxy....if I ever start feeling sorry for myself because I don't have this or that, I quickly snap myself back to reality when I think about all I DO have! So many in this world don't have enough food to nourish themselves and those same people will take whatever they can get. How blessed we are to have so much...:)Thanks for sharing your thoughts and reminder of the importance of stocking up and budgeting as we do so...:)

    Blessings, Vicky
    Life On Willie Mae Lane

  5. What a great post Roxy....if I ever start feeling sorry for myself because I don't have this or that, I quickly snap myself back to reality when I think about all I DO have! So many in this world don't have enough food to nourish themselves and those same people will take whatever they can get. How blessed we are to have so much...:)Thanks for sharing your thoughts and reminder of the importance of stocking up and budgeting as we do so...:)

    Blessings, Vicky
    Life On Willie Mae Lane

  6. Wise words. Thank you for sharing your thoughts. Our times are still hard, but we've been able to get out of debt. That's meant a lot.

    Now to try to save and to build my "pantry".

    Thanks for the encouragement!
    Harvest Lane Cottage

  7. Amen- Yes- no matter the crisis the stomach eventually wins over. Great post! xo Diana

  8. After reading the book about the Great Depression I am forever grateful for all I have. I really don't know what "doing it tough" is like as I have never run out of food or been unable to pay the bills or lacked in anything important. I am truly blessed. I think it is important to reflect and think about how blessed we all are.

    Its also important to help others and reach out to those with less and do all we can. Love our neighbours and bring back some of that old-fashion caring for others.

  9. Little things we take for granted, things so little but extremely vital. I am so grateful to God for life and the things He gives to us. And by His grace I will be grateful and not complain as I carry out this wonderful assignment of motherhood.
    Thanks a lot for sharing this Roxy! Have a super blessed day!

  10. You speak the truth.

    God bless you!


  11. Always enjoy your posts.

    Congrat's! Renewing your vows is so exciting. We were thinking of doing the same. Best wishes to you and your husband.


  12. Good advice...a pantry is a wise woman's bank account. And her family will thank her for it.

    How was the wedding? Hope that you had a blessed weekend.

  13. Yes, what a healthy reminder! There are so many things to be thankful for each and every moment :) Thank you Roxy!


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