Monday, October 14, 2013

Too Much

These last two weeks have been too much!
When do we as women finally learn to say enough?
There are so many things to do!
And most of these things can be really good things.
But having to be up and gone very early,
For too many days in a row becomes
 Very disruptive in being able to keep myself,
And my home in smooth running order!
 And being over extended is not wise!
Something always has to give!!
My time with the LORD??
No way...
Forget the laundry?
It doesn't go away it just piles up!
Forget making a good home cooked meal?
Pizza or Popcorn!
Dust Bunnies gone wild?
They are not family pets!
I am a Home  Maker!
Should I be at home??
You get the picture!
Learn to use wisdom and say no to most outside things,
That will keep you away from home for long periods
of time!
I do not want to look like Alfalfa!
Eyes bugging out!
My hair standing straight up.


  1. He he he, I don't want to look like Alfalfa either. If I could just get my hair to look a little fuller.

    Well girlfriend, it is definitely another wild bronc ride... you gotta hold onto to the reins don't you, and pull em in tight when that horse starts running out of control. Hope the rest of your week is a peaceful one Rox, and you are blessed beyond measure.

  2. Hello my dear friend Roxy : )

    It's so so true that we must not overextend ourselves. Chronic fatigue and stress is no good to anyone! It was so lovely to see your comment on Heart for Home-making. Actually in England we are in Autumn now and there is a chill in the air. Love and hugs - Lesley

  3. I will admit - Alfalfa got me to click to your post (hehe). I do agree - when I am gone for days in a row busy busy I feel so behind and I really don't like it. I love my routine that I (usually) keep and it helps me be productive in the many areas of my life.

    Nicole @ WKH

  4. Hi Roxy! I love that photo of Alfalfa. He was always a 'react-or' wasn't he? And I think if we get disconnected from our priorities, it makes us react-ors too.

    I know all about being overcommitted. It made me absolutely nuts. Way too busy and stressed. I hope i have learned my lesson, but if I haven't, at least I'll recognize the signs when I get crazy again.

    I hope you feel like you are back to normal :)
    Blessings to you, my friend,

  5. It's easy to get over committed, times when you are spending more time out of the home than in. Sometimes we have control and sometimes life just happens. I am more apt to just say no, in the season of life I find myself in and it makes such a difference in my well being and in the running of my home...the times when it's out of my control, I just pray for more grace. Praying that things get back to normal for you.
    Blessings to you

  6. LOL- I do remember Alfalfa! I do get way over committed sometimes. It is the unplanned that puts the monkey wrench in my planned time. Hope you are having a wonderful week- xo Diana

  7. We were just talking about Alfalfa this morning and how Marshall kinda looks like him when he gets up! Hee Hee!

    I don't like being run around like a spin top out of control! I like being home and staying content with what I have going on here. Anything outside of home for more than a few days, is way to much for me. Just pray and ask God to show you what you should be a part of and what you need to say no too. There is nothing wrong with that!
    I hope you have found peace today and have built your strength back up. I have tried to keep the boys in an much as possible today.
    Talk to you later,

  8. It is so easy to overextend, isn't it? Love your new blog look!

  9. I've just been thinking some of those same thoughts. I need more time at the feet of Jesus, like Mary of Bethany.

  10. Roxy,
    My mother in law has been in declining health and very ill for many years. I help care for her. When she lived just a mile or two away.... I did almost everything for her. Now she lives approx 2 hrs away. I still take her to doctors appointments and go once a week to clean house, do dishes and laundry and the shopping. It takes a lot of time. The whole day. Sometimes I feel taken advantage of. When you get tired and over extended... resentment sets in.
    That's when I have to say extra prayers. Pray about my own attitude. Pray for guidance.
    working in the corporate world for many years getting up extra early comes natural. It's the disruption of "home" that suffers.
    I've stopped volunteering for everything and sometimes say "no". At first it was a shock but they adjusted. They learned to do for themselves.
    It's in my nature to want to "fix" everything and everyone. I've had to learn my own lessons. My commitment now is "at home". To God, my husband, my special needs dog and my home. It's my job and responsibility to keep house and make sure it runs smoothly.
    I am proud to be a wife and homemaker. I don't let outside things interfere any more and life is much smoother.
    My best,

  11. My mom had a picture of my older brother that looked just like alfalfa. I think it was when he went through a gawky stage. lol! I do think it's important that we get our priorities straight. God, family, and home comes first. So many women stretch their selves so thin. It's o.k. to say no now and then.


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