Thursday, November 7, 2013

Being Productive...

Living from Glory to Glory Blog

Living like there is no tomorrow,
What a loaded statement...
You had better live like there is an eternity!
How many lines of the world's point of view can I
Swallow hook, line and sinker?
How many times have we heard a song,
And sang along, without really hearing the words?
We all better get busy living;
We can be in the perfect will of God in doing
what he has given us to do,
Such as:
Sewing an apron
Writing a Blog post
Crocheting a dishcloth
Writing an encouraging note to someone!
Baking a special treat for your loved ones!
Praying while doing your dishes
Doing laundry...
We are living out our days according to
His time and season's.
We must rest in His peace, and carry on!
On some days it's called PLOD on!
Do not let the world's way of thinking, stop you
From the simple pleasures He has given you!
Being a keeper of the Home, has provided  a
Different way of looking at being productive.
I believe we must always be aware of the atmosphere
we are creating.
We won't get everything done!
But my prayer is this;
My loved ones will all think and say,
There is no place like HOME!
We are all about to enter the Holiday season;
May our purpose now, to only do
what we can handle, and not stress ourselves,
and our families out!
Take Joy...


  1. Roxy. this is absolutely wonderful! I just love your song - but the tune I made up for it needs some work!

  2. Lovely post. I often have to stop my self and ask what's really important. Thanks for sharing.

  3. Such a well said word Rox, You have a gift for wisdom words. I have come to realize that knowing His will for me is being fulfilled in these sweet and everyday things/doings and I have such a joy and sweet contentment; I don't feel as if I am missing out (like the world might suggest), I am doing it now, and He approves. I feel very blessed to be able to happily do what I am created to do.
    Love and Blessings, Pam

  4. Oh my I am thanking God that you are willing to share with myself and so many others that really need to hear these words of wisdom, encouragement, truth!
    Thank you for this post & I hope you don't mind...I linked to it off mine. Sending others to read.
    (Hope I am not to get permission first)? If so let me know....
    I am leaving blessed~ Smile

  5. I stumbled across your blog while trying to ping my feedburner, and I am so glad I did - this message today is exactly what I needed. My heart is heavy for my teen daughter, but you've inspired me to get up and do something positive anyway. Cannot thank you enough.


  6. There IS no place like home...especially if God is the head of the household. xo Diana

  7. Great post Roxy! I was just reading a devotion that said each moment is more valuable than diamonds or gold. We need to make good use of each moment of each day.

    May the LORD bless you!


  8. Amen to that! You are a wonderful exhorter of women :) Thank you, friend.

  9. Roxy, you always have such wise advice. The holidays should be a time of joy and sharing with your family. If it stresses us out then it's time to rethink what we are doing. I have been blessed with an easy going nature and really don't get stressed. My mother was like that and I thank the sweet Lord that I inherited that from her. Thanks so much for sharing with SYC and for my darling apron. I also appreciate you giving SYC a shout out!

  10. One thing's for sure— there's always something that needs to be done!

    Have a relaxing weekend!

    Laura of Harvest Lane Cottage


I really appreciate your comments! May they be kind and helpful to encourage my walk, and bless others as they read them. Thank-you!