Friday, November 8, 2013

Stocks and Butter And A Filled Pantry...

Living From glory To Glory Blog

Nothing should be wasted!
We live in a world where everything is disposable.
See these corn stalks, good for nothing right?
Well, not exactly;
The farmer's go back in and shred these old
corn stalks to feed their cattle.
They make a product called silage.
It is stinky, but it is used to feed and sustain,
The cattle in the long, cold winter months.
We are entering our winter months of needing
Warm foods, keeping our homes warm.
Feeding our families!
So as you see all your store adds for sale items,
this month, try to think ahead and stock u
on some of your cooking and baking items.

I do  promote being a wise woman in the
Pantry area of your home.
Watch for all the cream soups on sale.
Green beans and canned corn also.
Butter is around 2.00 lbs.
Chicken broth is very inexpensive now.
Watch for the different pastas on sale too!
Sometimes, we get on the eat only natural kick,
We forget we have had some real tough times.
Believe me, if you were starving;
You would not care if it was organic :)
Why, do we need a well stocked pantry?
Because it is what a wise woman does for her FAMILY!
Also, we must think of those who will need
some assistance this long winter.
Buy some of these sale items to give to your
own town or cities needy!
We must always remember the poor!

I want to tell you a true story;
I know of a wise woman
Whose Husband lost his Job!
 And do you know it was almost a whole year before he found another one.
But, this Wise Woman had a pantry that fed her family
Almost that entire year, with only having to add
The fresh produce and milk and eggs!


  1. Yep- It is well-advised to have a well-stocked home/pantry. I don't think we would make it a year but we would do pretty well if we needed to. xo Diana

  2. I learned from my mom to always have a well stocked pantry for just the reasons you mentioned. Not only to provide for my family but for others in need as well. You never know who God may put in your path or what situation you may find yourself in.

  3. More words of wisdom from you, sweet friend. Thank you for sharing these helpful home tips. Blessings to you!

  4. Where is the butter $2.00 a pound... I must know. Can you call me tomorrow, I gotta get some butter.
    Love ya,

  5. I certainly have a well stocked pantry - mostly because I don't like to visit the store every five minutes!! Therefore if I need a can or something I buy more than one:)) It just makes sense. I also have a large chest freezer that is great for freezing milk, butter and cheese if you see it cheap (or if I visit Costco). I doubt it would last a year but certainly a few months.

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. I really don't enjoy grocery shopping any more, so it's a must to have a well stocked pantry! Plus, we live sooo far from town and if we should happen to get a storm, well let's just say a stocked pantry is a huge BLESSING!

    Thanks for the good reminder!

    Blessings to you,


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