Friday, November 22, 2013

Elbow Grease

Elbow Grease
Some days really do require some good old fashion
Elbow Grease!!
We are always being challenged;
Everything that comes at us in our lives have one purpose!
To conform us into our Father's image...
Some days can be really tough for so many people,
And as women of God we have so many things, we must do!
But let's not forget those things we love to do!
I have always sensed that when the days are filled with many things,
We start to feel like we can not possibly get everything done.
But I have seen the true Grace and Grit of the Women of God,
In times of war
In times of famine
In times of sorrow
Even in times of wealth and great joy and prosperity;
We have a legacy of our Spiritual Mothers in Christ!
Those women who have stood strong in God's word,
Commitments made to their family's!
So what did it take to get through those seasons
of trials?
What did they use
 When they had to prepare for great celebrations?
Always His strength!
But let us not forget the hard working women who stood
And did what had to be done!
They rolled up their sleeves and applied
Good Old Fashion
Elbow Grease!


  1. Nothing like applying God's elbow grease when we are feelign weak. Great post- Roxy-xo Diana

  2. I was just thinking of this yesterday, when I went to town and saw a billboard with an old 1940's type add. There was a woman with her arm out and her sleeve pulled up. I think it was an add they used during the war when the women had to kick in to do so much of what their men used to do... any way, it made me think of that generation women, and of the hard work each generation has to contribute. Love the post, and thank you Lord for always renewing our strength.

    Love your Pumpkin bread post, I can't wait to give it a try thanks for sharing the recipe.

    See you soon.
    Love and Blessings,

  3. Nothing like hard work to make a person appreciate things and draw closer to God. Let's roll up our sleeves and get busy!

  4. So true, dearest Roxy. Once again, you have blessed my heart, sweet friend. I hope you are doing well Love and hugs!

  5. I can only say...
    Thank you & right on!
    What a post that God has put for
    'me'! I am so thankful for these words. I can honestly say they have spoke to my heart...
    Some days we can be so 'busy' we forget, and get our eyes out of focus.
    Have a blessed Lord's day~


I really appreciate your comments! May they be kind and helpful to encourage my walk, and bless others as they read them. Thank-you!