Sunday, November 24, 2013


Keep Focused 
One thing that really helps me enjoy my days is spending
time with the Lord!
I have experienced great peace and strength, by just
stopping and looking up!
Sometimes you can spend way to much time focusing
on the past, and in many cases this will cause you to
  miss the moment God has for you!
I had a woman tell me recently that it was all that she had
was her memories.
Because, she had no future.
She has been widowed twice in her life.
She is a very sweet and precious woman.
We had her over for a lunch and fellowship.
She told me this was the first invitation that she has had since,
moving to this area. (Almost 3 yrs.)
Now, What is wrong with this picture?
Is this a case of self isolation,
Maybe the grief is still to raw,
Some people are just loners!
Maybe it is just how a widower must adapt...
I pray for God to help us open our eyes to those
who need fellowship.
But, before you think I am a saint (NOT)
I have also been thinking about how I spend my time,
with my relationships.
I have made a decision to invest in relationships that,
will have a return,
Such as, them wanting to spend time with you
 (Not a Chore)
Being like minded in Christ!
Knowing that this is an assignment of the Lord.
Being led by the Spirit in our relationships.
Being in tune for His leading in who we talk too.
Being kind to all!!
But, being wise in with who and where you spend your time!
Is making an investment in His kingdom;
He has called us to be ready to give account;
 for what we believe!
 And because we are His hands and His feet,
We must be sensitive to His relationships He has for us!
Not only on a daily bases, but through all of our days.
Now, this does not mean all these relationships will be easy,
but rather it has the finger print and touch of God at work!

1 comment:

I really appreciate your comments! May they be kind and helpful to encourage my walk, and bless others as they read them. Thank-you!