Monday, November 4, 2013

Sola Scriptura...

Living from Glory to Glory Blog

Is there a force so strong, nothing can oppose it?
Is there really a word that does not waiver?
Can I know if I am in the will of God?
Are women, really suppose to be the keeper's of the home?
Are my day's really numbered?
Is there a place of Blessing and comfort and peace,
that I can hide in?
Will how I act or speak change my situation?
Does prayer and faith in Christ, change me?
YES, is the answer to all of these questions!
The world has heard the lie and many have believed it!
I am just a person...
with no destiny or worth?
What I say or do, does not affect anyone else.
I am free to live any way I choose!
We are a body not the collective or individualism,
we are being lead to believe.
God has a unique and special plan for each of us!
I challenge you to allow God's Word
To train and to teach you the real truth!!
Let scripture stand alone;
Use this key to help dig deeper.
Be not led astray !!


  1. Amen, amen, and AMEN, Roxy! I am with Maryann and couldn't agree more :) Thank you for this, friend. Enjoy your week. Hugs!

  2. Yes, Yes, Yes!! Amen, Amen, Amen!
    Great reminder to start off this week!
    Now, what fun things do we have planned?

    See you in a bit,

  3. Great way to start off the week, Roxy- xo Diana

  4. Hi Roxy,
    I'm using to keep track of the Bible chapters I read. I sometimes read and sometimes listen.

    Listening is good when you want to saturate yourself in The Word.

    Harvest Lane Cottage

  5. A very good piece of advice, Roxy!


I really appreciate your comments! May they be kind and helpful to encourage my walk, and bless others as they read them. Thank-you!