Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Choose A Bible Reading Plan

Choosing a Bible Reading Plan

I love my Bible and I love reading the Word!
It is a source of life and truth and strength for me!
It also brings all of these things to everyone around me!
Because when the Word is in YOU!
It will come out (Spoken and Declared)

I really have a different way that I study each day;
I pray and talk to my Father and I ask the Holy Spirit
To teach me what I am to learn today.

I may read a few verses to usually a few chapters.
Sometimes, I am just stuck on one word;
Then I begin a study of that one word...

The reading of the word can be done in a  systematical way,
So many chapters read daily in the old or new Testament.
There is not a right or wrong way to read the word.
The only danger I have seen, is where you read
only a verse and you do not bother to read the context
It is written in; we must know the whole context.

I also have many Devotionals;
I will usually choose two or three devotionals each year!
I like to rotate them!

We have so many tools on line we can use
 for reading and studying the Word!

But may I suggest to 
Have a real Bible as your source!!
Do NOT be afraid to mark it up and to underline,
The words and verses that speak to YOU.
Because, the word does speak!
It is living and breathing, because it is ALIVE.

He is the Lily of the valley

Here are a few web sites you might like to visit,
to find a few tools you can use to study and to grow 
as you spend time in God's Word!

Click on all the sites below and choose one of these tools!


  1. I am like you, I use several devotionals throughout the year. I am looking for a new reading plan this year so I will go and check out the sites you recommended.
    Happy New Year!

  2. I am really thinking what to study this year for myself. Also, do you know of a Bible study or devotional that you recommend for a young family? I have had several ask me but have had challenges with our grandparents and no time to look deeply into this. I thought you might know one off the top of your head :)

  3. THANK YOU, Roxy!!
    That is just what I was looking for but hadn't found yet! I knew you would know and i just messaged my friends with the information and link :) God bless you, dear friend!

  4. Hello Roxy,

    I am just dropping in on you after you paid a visit to my blog and left a lovely comment. Thank you for these bible reading resources. I always struggle in this area and seeing it written down and easily marked off is truly helpful.

    God Bless.


I really appreciate your comments! May they be kind and helpful to encourage my walk, and bless others as they read them. Thank-you!