Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Happy Happy New Year

Time to Love
Time to Grow
Time to Rejoice
Time to Overcome
Time to step into your Destiny
Time to count your Blessings and to Give Thanks!

All of your days are in His hand!
Do Not take even one of them for granted!



  1. Welcome to the new year, may your year bring you much joy.

    Our year has started rather sadly and today has been one I really have found very difficult. But the Lord sends us these trials and with His strength I have been able to get through the day without too much anxiety.

  2. Happy New Year, Roxy! I want to thank you for being so much a source of encouragement to me in 2013 since I started my blog. You have been a blessing to me and I thank you! I pray that 2014 is filled with God's beauty and I am looking forward to what He has in store for us!


  3. Would you mind if I printed these words? They need to be hung where I can see them daily.

    Happy New Year!

  4. This post was such a good reminder, my dear Roxy! I am a little late, but Happy New Year, sweet friend! May your year be filled with God's sweet joys and His precious peace.

    Much love to you!


I really appreciate your comments! May they be kind and helpful to encourage my walk, and bless others as they read them. Thank-you!