Thursday, December 5, 2013

Go Go Grandma

Go Grandma Go!
Okay here is the story behind this post!
A little ways back I was feeling tired and just worn out.
So, as I did some research on a few things,
I decided I might need some more Raw Foods.
I was trying to find a way to incorporate this with 
Maybe a drink option.

So these are the two products I started to use!

My oldest Grandson comes over and he is watching me
run around the house getting my morning housework
done, and getting things in order.

And he says to me
Where did you get all that energy?
I told Clayton what I was doing to give me energy.

And he suggested that we do a post on this Grandma!
As he thought it would be funny:)
So Clayton took the camera and started clicking the camera!
Taking pictures of me doing all my chores, 
with my super duper
Energy drink in my hand!

 Making our bed!

Cleaning up the kitchen!

Dusting the living-room!

Ironing my skirts!

I think maybe I might  just need to mix up a large glass 
Of my energy drink today!
Go Go Grandma!
All Photo's done by Clayton :)



  1. Being a Grandma myself, I love this post! How fun to share in the making of your post. Next, he'll have his own blog!

  2. Oh Roxy, you made me giggle, sweet friend :) You look adorable doing your chores! I think I will have to make me some of this....I am not a Grandma yet, but that shouldn't be a problem, right? :) Love and hugs to you!

  3. Wow, you really are energized!! That's great.
    Mary Alice

  4. I want what you're drinking. lol!
    You are one hard working grandma!

  5. LOL- Roxy. What fun! My hubby has used that Spiru-Tein for years and swears by it- xo Diana

  6. What a crack up Rox. I think I am going to have to get back on to my Raw Foods drink!!! Tell Clay
    I loved his pictures.

  7. Oh how cute! Great post idea from Clayton and you are cute as a button zipping all over the place!

  8. Gorgeous story!!! Hope you didn't split your drink as your did all those chores. Never heard of a "raw Food Drink" will need to check it out.

  9. Ha ha I want this drink right now! No I need this drink Roxy!! I LOVE this post!!! Clayton is so adorable and he has such a great sense of humor!


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