Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Real Or Fake

Here is a picture of a wonderful real living Pine Tree!

 Here is another picture of a wonderful Fake Tree!

I wanted to share a couple of thoughts
 I have been thinking about lately.
I have purposed in my heart that
This Christmas season was just going to be different!

I could feel it deep in my spirit...

Every new portion and part of the puzzle becomes,
Clearer as we grow and resolve to worship HIM !

This Christmas season I told my Hubby, I think
I would like to get a real tree this year.
He said to me okay if that's what you would like
To do, it is fine with me.

So we went back to a home where many,
 Years ago we bought a real tree.
 Our children were both very young at the time.

It was a wee bit shocking to see the gentleman
after so many years
That owned and sold real Christmas trees!
Jim's Christmas Tree's
He was very old, and he  seemed quite feeble
 and he used a cane to walk.
He was very unstable.
But his smile and kindness was just as I remembered it!
His love for what he did every Christmas was real!
He was a stable man in his purpose.

No Faking it with him;

Can others see through us?
Do we really show the love of Christ?

I must stop myself, and tell God this everyday;
Not my will, but your will be done!

I do not just want to go through the motions!
Put up the tree
(Fake or Real)
Bake Christmas Goodies, till I can't eat a bite!
Wrap gifts till my back hurts!

I want to sit at His feet!!
Lay back against Him and breath.
And feel His heartbeat!

May I  not do another thing,
Till I am quiet and full of His Love,
And may my heart sing loud and clear,
Christmas songs that lift the worlds Fake burdens,
Of what Christ really came to bring!



  1. Beautiful post Roxy, and so true!


  2. Lovely Roxy, this would be my prayer as well

  3. This is just beautiful Roxy. I agree whole heartedly.
    Love and Blessings,

  4. Love this Roxy and how true this is. Your posts always make me ponder and that is a good thing. Have a lovely week!

    Blessings, Vicky

  5. Have you had other friends tell you that you should write a book of poetry or short stories? You hit the nail on the head :) I love to see your kind comments at Deep Roots at Home :0

  6. All I can say is YES and AMEN!

    I don't want anything but the presence of Jesus and I want it until my cup overflows!!

    Hugs to You,

  7. I am right there with you, Roxie. I am on strike from what the "world" has turned Christmas into. Enjoy your rest in Him!

  8. Very beautifully said.

    I put up my Christmas tree on Monday evening and I will admit it is very much fake and its small but it has a Christmasy feel to it and the cat can't climb it (and that is important).


  9. Your insight is 20/20!! I'm so happy your hutch will be festive year round, I hope you will share it with us too!!

  10. I am looking for a tiny tree this year. Maybe I should get a real one, too! Thanks for the truths you share.

  11. I LOVE this post Roxie! Yes and Amen! Thank you so much for your heart for the Lord and sharing such encouraging words with us girls :)

    May all glory be to Him!



I really appreciate your comments! May they be kind and helpful to encourage my walk, and bless others as they read them. Thank-you!