Sunday, December 1, 2013

God Watches Over His Word...

The Power of the Word

The Word of God is powerful.
 God watches over it to perform His will in our lives.
 He waters it and increases His reality in amazing ways.
 It is so powerful it sustains us in times of need,
 and carries us through times of drought,
trials and sorrows.
As we minister to others,
the Lord uses us to plant or water the Word of God.
We can trust God with the results.
Even when we are not there to see it,
we can depend on the faithfulness of God.
 and victory of the Word.
We must look and be watchful;
Let not this month not go by in a flash!
Stop and enjoy His peace!
Let Him comfort you!
Share His Joy!
This is the time the world is open
to hear the Gospel!
Live with the twinkle in your eye;
Those who do not know Him will
wonder if Christ is real! 
We are His living epistles.
Christ is real!
All His promises are yes and Amen!


  1. Good thoughts, good reminders to stay focused on God and His Word. Thanks for sharing this ~ Mary

  2. This is precious post. I am His living epistle; it is my sweet reminder of the special season we are in, and how I can be a blessing.. I love to think of just soaking in and releasing His peace during this special season. Thanks for the good word Rox. Look forward to a nice craft day and lunch day together in the coming week... talk to you soon.
    Love ya,

  3. Hi Roxy! Such good advice...not to let this precious time of Advent go past in a hurry. I hope to reflect daily on the love and blessings of this waiting time.

    I liked the trust in God part of the post too. It's so easy to think that we have no impact anywhere, but really, the results are up to the Lord. The 'trying' is up to us. Great thought!
    Have a good Monday, my friend,
    PS Thank you for your lovely comment yesterday.

  4. I like that phrase: living epistles.

  5. Good morning, Roxy! I appreciate your visiting my blog and your kind comments. Your blog is so sweet and inpsrining!

    I agree that during this season of advent we need to be still so we can hear Gods voice. Very sweet post!

    Ricki Jill

  6. I love that! Live with a twinkle in your eye. Lovely post!

  7. Beautiful Roxy! I just came from a wonderful Christmas program that was all about the savior. It had wonderful, music, stories, and food! Thanks for sharing with SYC. Merry Christmas!


I really appreciate your comments! May they be kind and helpful to encourage my walk, and bless others as they read them. Thank-you!