Wednesday, January 29, 2014

A Homemakers Buisness...

 This last Summer I had found an Etsy Shop that carried
Homemade ironing board covers.

Now, normally I would buy whatever cute design I could find
At either Target or other large chain stores.
But this time I was really looking for a very special pattern.
I could not find one single one!

You're now thinking REALLY;
There are times that just plain old plain old,
Just will not work!
Sometimes we need to find just the right one.

Well, I placed my order and was contacted promptly;
I received this very simple and cute packaged wrapped so inviting.
Here is her personnel tag attached to it!
I have never ordered anything from an Etsy Shop before.

I immediately removed my old one, and replaced it with this
Beautiful rose one!

If any of you sweet ladies have followed me very long,
You know how much I enjoy ironing.
So it might as well be a pretty ironing board!
"See everything does come up Roses"

I believe in being a homemaker and being HOME!
I also have seen how many women have used their creative talents,
That have been given to them, by the Lord for helping their households.
It is important to always support those women who have;
These cottage businesses, as they are being biblical, yet staying home.
We can help support them by purchasing their crafts they make,
 And the items they sell in their Etsy Stores,
Or when they sell them at craft fairs.

Do you buy items that you are looking for from an Etsy Shop?
Aprons, Unique Crafts and Gifts,
Cards and Candles and homemade Soaps and Lotions.
And in my case a one of a kind ironing board cover!

"She seeks wool and flax, And willingly works with her hands.
She makes linen garments and sells them, And supplies
Sashes for the merchants."
Proverbs 31: 13, 24

Visit my friend Cheryl's Blog and Etsy Shop at the link below;


  1. Oh- I LOVE your new ironing board cover. It is just gorgeous. You know, I know I am in the minority but I love to iron. xo Diana

  2. A pretty to go with all your other pretties.


  3. She did a beautiful job on the ironing board cover. I'm off to visit her next.
    I have purchased many items from blog friends' etsy shops. I always get the very best products and the friendliest customer service.
    Have fun ironing on those pretty roses!

  4. Beautiful! It helps so much to do our daily tasks when things are pretty. I used to hate filing the bills or any paperwork. Now that I have pretty file folders and a nice wicker file basket I don't mind at all! Everything stays neat and tidy with just a minimal investment in BEAUTY.

  5. Awww....Thank you, Roxy, for such a lovely post about my shop and ironing board covers. You are a fine friend indeed! :)

  6. Roxy, it is rosy sweet! I have had it on the agenda to make one for a couple years. It hasn't happened. May just need to hop over and order one. I do use a vintage ironing board though. I just bought my first thing from etsy. It was a jadite teacup and saucer.

  7. I am all for pretty and feminine and this ironing board cover is lovely. I am always fiddling about in the house trying to make it look pretty. I like to buy handmade as it creates business for stay-at-home women and that is a wonderful thing.

  8. That is such a pretty ironing board cover! :)

    I have bought things from etsy many times and have always loved what I bought...handmade things are the best! :)

  9. Roxy,

    What a lovely ironing board cover! It is fun to have a pretty cover while ironing. My sister Rachel made ironing board covers for all of the ladies in our family. She made a really fun chicken cover for me, since I love chickens. : )


  10. Your new cover is so pretty! I love having pretty things around the house, especially things that I use/see everyday, like an ironing board cover :)

  11. That's really lovely. And why not spruce up an ironing board since you enjoy ironing or for any reason? Applause all around!

  12. Really pretty cover. I have "window" shopped at Etsy but never purchased anything. I may have to give it another look

  13. I love this ironing board cover Rox… and went over to Cheryl's blog… how precious. I am going to enjoy her. I think I will have to order one of those ironing board covers.

  14. Hi Roxy! I have never bought anything from an Etsy shop, although a friend of mine bought me a really pretty necklace from there.
    You're right, that site does give everyone an avenue to be creative, and from home. It's great to have an outlet for the gifts given by the Lord.

    You got just what you wanted too! So now you have made your ironing corner a little brighter. Fun :) and you are serving your home in a beautiful way.

  15. I love your new ironing board cover!! My mom would have, too! She loved anything with pink roses. Thanks for your visit to my blog!

  16. Funny, when I was in Marshall's the other day, I saw ironing board covers and almost picked one up, but it was the patterns were icky. Yours is beautiful. I might like ironing more if I had something so pretty to look at! :)

  17. I love your ironing board cover! They sure don't sell pretty ones in the dept stores. I purchase most of my jewelry from a friend who has an Etsy shop.

  18. I love that you love to iron Roxy! And what a good idea to go to Etsy to find your rose ironing cover! Its is LOVELY! And this whole post inspires me so much! You got my creative juices flowing! I love you!

  19. Oh so neat Roxy!

    I think you should open an Etsy shop and offer your amazing and gorgeous aprons!!

    You have such a gift with those aprons and I can see a lot of women blessed by your hands!

    Love you
    ~ Marie

  20. Oh Roxy, your ironing board cover is so dreamy and pretty! You know me, I love anything with roses :) Maybe if I had a pretty ironing board cover than I would enjoy ironing more....but not likely! haha :)

    I have ordered a few items from Etsy and so far I have been very pleased with my items! In fact, I even ordered my kitchen curtains from Etsy, they are from the 50's which you will see when I share photos on my blog. The lady I bought them was so sweet and sent me a beautiful doily as a thank you.


I really appreciate your comments! May they be kind and helpful to encourage my walk, and bless others as they read them. Thank-you!