Monday, January 27, 2014

A Homemakers Motto...

Remember Monday's Are Wash Day!
No, maybe it's Tuesdays!
Wait a minute, we are suppose to Wash on FREEZE Days!

Really lets all chip in and get this amazing homemaker a dryer.
She, is quite the trooper.

I did have a friend many moons ago that really did hang her clothes on the
Line in the winter time.

I am not sure if I can remember my Mother doing this.
But I do remember her hanging them on a clothes line in the basement.

This gives a whole new meaning to frozen STIFF.

We really have so many amazing modern and convenient appliances,
To help us Homemakers keep our homes clean and tidy,
Yet, I think we have had a real downturn in the training of keeping,
Our homes clean and inviting.

Remember Home Economics class in school?
Remember Mothers taught their daughters how to keep a home?
Remember when Mothers stayed home?
Remember the Donna Reed Show?
Remember when people cared what they looked like?
Remember when everything was NOT okay to do?

Some things may have changed, I will grant you that!

But believe me, I can say this with all my HEART;
There is no place like HOME...

So, Dear Ones,
Even if you have to go the extra mile and do an extra load,
Make keeping your home a priority,
A safe and cozy refuge from the worlds raging storms.

A Homemakers Motto:

Roses are Red
Violets are Blue
Your HOME is blessed because
Of You!


  1. So, you mean it's okay to clean from sun up to sun down? Some ladies will ask me how I find the time to keep my house so tidy? And I always say I like a clean home and I always make time, especially before my hubby gets home. I don't like my house a mess, because then I feel a mess too.... Great and timely post! I might have to share this on my facebook wall today.

    I hope you are having a wonderful day!


  2. What a lovely, encouraging post! I do not have a dryer, so I hang my daily load of laundry to dry. It does make me all the happier when spring arrives! I'm very encouraged by your blog, thank you.

  3. What a great head photo...that takes me back to my grandma although she was in Mississippi! Do you have a pin board on Pinterest, Roxy? If so, let me know and we can pin each other's things :) That would draw a lot of attention to your wonderful blog, dearie ;)
    Love you in Jesus, friend!

  4. I haven't been over to your blog since you changed the design. Very pretty!

    I love that first spring day when you can hang the washing out. Back home on the island I'm from you can still hang your washing out through the winter as the wind is so strong that the wind will dry it up nice and quickly!

  5. I remember my
    Mother hanging out clothes in the warm weather and in the basement in cold weather,too. The clothes seemed a little softer from the basement-the best I can!

  6. A very sweet post, Roxy. I remember helping mother with the laundry. I love memories of helping her and I try to maintain my home the same way she did. Sad how many folks today don't cherish their HOMEs!

  7. I remember hanging up laundry when I was little in the winter and taking it off the line stiff as a board. I haven't hung laundry in tears but love the smell.
    I like the idea of home being that refuge from the worlds raging's so true

  8. Oh my, is there any need for starch when you hang the clothes on in freezing weather?! You know, I have often thought about hanging my clothes out in the Winter time to save a little money, but the thinking has not turned into the doing. After seeing this picture I'm not sure if I will have that goal anymore :)

    Your homemaker motto was blessing to read - I may have to write it down and put it on my refrigerator.

    Love to you!

  9. An encouraging exhortation as usual!

    My mother-in-love used to tell of her mother bringing in frozen shirts from the line and waiting for them to thaw so that she could iron them!

    Laura of Harvest Lane Cottage

  10. I try and hang my washing outside as much as possible, but we do get much milder winters compared to you all. I still clean my house the way I was taught, my mother was a very good teacher when it came to caring for the home.

    My sons are both very good at cleaning their homes too - just the way I taught them!!

  11. Cute post, Roxy. I wonder if that phrase, "frozen stiff" really did come from the old days of hanging laundry on frosty days? Love that photo! The woman was indeed a trooper.

  12. Wash day for my mother was Monday. I remember it well. Ever since I can remember, I was her helper. I got to hand her each clothes pin. I took the job seriously. I knew each clothes pin by it's color and spots.

  13. Rox,
    you are just rolling along; what a great post… I would love to put this post in my about page as my own belief and motto… it is great. Love the stiff laundry pic... what a crack up. Keep putting out these wonderful posts.
    Love and blessings,

  14. This comment has been removed by the author.

  15. Hello Roxy~ I don't remember any of that. I was not taught any homemaking skills. Most of my peers and I started learning homemaking when we became wives or actually mothers (that's when I came to work at home) But, over the years I have learned a lot and love to take care of my house. My favorite thing is a place for everything and everything in its place.

  16. Hello Roxy :)

    Catching up finally! Thanks for always bringing such godly encouragement to us gals :) I love the poem :) I agree with going the extra mile to make a safe and cozy haven for our family :0 God bless you!


  17. Oh love it! And that picture is a hoot!!! Yup, things sure have changed. I appreciate all the modern wonderful things we have, but in some ways, miss the olden days! Thanks for sharing with SYC.

  18. Oh! I certainly remember hanging clothes in the winter at my grandmother's! And standing my uncle's long johns next to the living room stove to 'thaw out'! This post is my Pick of the Week because it is so darling - and because you brought back a wonderful memory. Angels to you. The post will be featured on - Paper Doily Wreath - starting tomorrow at SYC. Don't forget to grab my featured at button! Angels to you!

  19. Roxy, you are such a blessing. This post made me smile. Thank you so much for sharing such warmth! :)

    Thank you for linking to Grace at Home. I featured you this week!

  20. As I tidied up during some downtime at VBS some mothers commented that I must have a perfect house. They proceeded to talk about how it's more important to spend the day with their children instead of worrying about smudges and tidiness. It seemed like their motive was to make me feel guilty for caring for my home. Being at home is much more enjoyable when it's not a pigpen.

  21. My mother in love used to tell me of her mother taking in washing to make a living after her husband left her alone with two small children back in the fifties.

    She would hang things on the line, they'd freeze dry, and then she'd iron them.


  22. This brings back memories. Many years ago I did hang clothes on the line in the winter. When I brought them in, stiff as a board we always had a good laugh because hubby's long johns were stick as a board. Thank you for the memories.

  23. I used to hand my clothes on a line but now it's the dryer. Easier and with Florida rains, it's just easier. I do love our modern conveniences when it comes to laundry. Other things, I could do without if I had to.

  24. Hey there precious lady! I am so glad you shared this at Roses of Inspiration - it was a post I enjoyed... Oh wait, I enjoy ALL of your posts :)

    Your email the other night greatly, and I mean greatly, encouraged my heart. Bless you, my friend.

    Love you!

  25. I popped over to see this post, and it was very timely! I am thankful for my dryer, but more thankful that I can be home to use it. To care for my family, to make my home to train my children to follow after the Lord and my girls to be homemakers. Yes, the world is changing, but somethings needn't.
    Have a blessed day!


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