Wednesday, January 22, 2014

The Mommy Voice Will Hurt Your Marriage...

Using Your Mommy Voice!

One of the greatest hindrances for a good marriage is this;

Using your Mommy voice while speaking to you Husband!

It does not matter how long you have been married,
Or if you are newlyweds!
Evan if all your children are grown and gone with families of their own.
This one thing...
Can hurt your marriage deeply!

I remember my Hubby saying to me one time or TEN,
Don't talk to me like I am  a two year old!!

Okay, I was with my children all day long,
 So when Daddy would get home,
 I was still in the full Mommy mode.

Did you know they have an actual percentage of showing,
That 90% of all conflict is the TONE of your voice being used!

Could it be the MOMMY TONE??

We can emasculate our Husbands by speaking to them as if they were children.
I have been embarrassed as I have been in a crossfire of a family dispute.
A woman can sound so demeaning and haughty.

And DO NOT point your finger!
Oh, and get the hand OFF the hip!
(This is body language)
These actions speak pretty loud and clear.

So, Dear Ones, save the Mommy voice for training your children!
It is not our job to train our Husbands.

Haughty means;
 Too proud of oneself and too scornful of others.

When you hear yourself using The Mommy Voice!
While speaking with YOUR Husband (An Adult)
Apologize and tell him you are sorry,
Please do not speak to anyone as a child if they are not a child!
This is called common courtesy!
And it is wisdom!


  1. Mmmm you are so right Roxy!! Yikes, I know I have done it before and didn't realize it at the time. Thank you for sharing this. It so helps to have another woman's guidance and instruction. You are so helpful and encouraging sweet sweet friend!! I cannot wait to see you in a few weeks! I love you!!


  2. Funny. And don't use the mommy voice with your grown children. I forget that one! At my grandson's birthday party, there were lots of guests, couples with their children. I said to my son, "You may want to go and greet everybody." He goes, "Mama, I think I'm grown." I do it all the time and believe me, he reminds me!

  3. You are so right! Thank you for this wonderful advice.

  4. I have been guilty of this (as well as doing it with my grown children) A good reminder

  5. Completely agree and as one of the other ladies have said - don't do it to your grown up children either.

    My mum was a school teacher so she had the "school-teacher" voice that she would use at home and she still does it at the nursing home today at 81 years of ages and it really annoys the other residents too!!!

  6. Roxy,
    this is a great thought! I did not realize that I might be using the Mommy voice. He has never complained! Ha!

  7. Wise words, Roxy. I would like to shout it from the mountain tops and maybe some TV writers will hear it. Can you believe the way men are portrayed on TV sitcoms. It is no wonder young girls are so disrespectful to men-that is the way Hollywood is training them. xoxo

  8. I hear ya girl! Reminds me of the post I did recently, "love is spoken here". I think the tone of your voice is as important (if not more) as what you say.

  9. Yes it is good advice. Our men don't like the Mommy voice. I have always believed tone and words are very important. I liked what Joluise said about our grown children; I think it is important to honor people when we speak to them. It is true that we have a certain voice for our little ones, but as time goes on we change that tone and sound to match their age. I believe when we speak to people respectfully, we draw respectfulness out of them; children included. It is a part of honoring. Love your picture Rox, that was great.
    Love ya and miss ya

  10. Oh, Roxy,
    How beautiful your new site!!! I LOVE it, sweet friend :) Thank the Lord you are able to do this with the blessing of your husband!
    This is such an important message for all of us regardless of our ages. I HAVE done this and done it sad when I do it, for it has an immediate chilling effect :( Excellent post. I am going to share it on FB! :)

  11. What a great read Roxy. I have done this and wondered about it. I think learning how to speak while controlling our tones can be a very serious benefit in our communication. I know that I really need to to study this.

    Thanks for your help dear friend!
    You are such a blessing.
    ~ Marie


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