Monday, January 20, 2014

How To Make Delicious Potato Latkes...

Living From Glory To Glory Blog, How to use leftover mashed potatoes

Potato Latkes

These are the very best tasting way to eat leftover Mashed potato's!
These are so good that when I plan on making and serving mashed potato's
I always make a few extra so I will have some leftovers!

So many of us are trying to be frugal these days, It is showing wisdom,
When we do not waste our food!
I try to ask myself, how many hours my sweet Hubby has to work?
To be able to purchase these items; 
Whether it is food or other things.

Everything costs somebody something!

So in lieu of inflation and being wise and frugal,
We can make a very simple and delicious meal from our potato leftovers.

There are so many variations to make these scrumptious cakes (Latkes)

Potato Latke's
Place your leftover mashed potato's in a bowl
Add 1 egg
1/2 onion, minced fine
Add any cooked meat you might have;
(Roast Beef, Chicken, Ham, or Bacon)
Chop it into bite size pieces and add it to the Potato's
Now add about 1/4 cup of flour into bowl
(As you need this to help hold them together)

Now get your large skillet and add some olive oil
And some butter,
Now, make as many little cakes as you can that will fit in your skillet.
Allow them to cook on medium heat so they brown well and cook up nicely!

I like to add a dollop of sour cream on top and serve!
A lovely combination is so have a crisped tossed salad along side it.


  1. Good Afternoon, Roxy. You have made me very hungry! Thank you so much for the recipe. Like you, I would enjoy a little sour cream on top.

    Have a wonderful evening!


  2. Those sound wonderful, Roxy. I have not had those in years! Hope you are staying warm in your part of the world!!!! xo Diana

  3. We call those potato pancakes and they are delish! My mom and mother in law make them frequently, but mine always taste too greasy. I will leave it up to them, but I agree that we mustn't waste food. Love your new look!

  4. I grew up with Potato Latkes, they are cheap and cheerful and great for growing boys. My dad was the expert at making them crisp around the edges so we often requested them for Sunday night super. Our recipe was the German Jewish version which my dad had grown up with, you add matzo meal instead of flour. So yum!!

    We use to cover ours in tomato sauce (not very german!) and cooked them in lard (not very healthy).

  5. Lovely, Roxy :-)
    Thanks for sharing :-)

  6. Those look very good!! Thank you for the recipe :)

  7. I just love this dish! One of my favorites to make with left overs. Hmm, you've now made me hungry...

    Did you notice, it's windy outside?!
    Argh with the wind! Bring us Snow!

    Any who, have a wonderful day!


  8. Good Morning Roxy,
    I am sitting here sipping my coffee in Sunny Arizona and thinking of you. Love your recipe. I almost always make these for breakfast… every time we have left over mashed potatoes. It is a wonderful left over for breakfast as well… but I really like your dinner idea, and I like the idea of sour cream with them. I believe I make them just as you do, and here we have been friends all these years, and I didn't know that we both did this haha. Have a great week, wish you were here; no wind here.
    Love and Blessings,

  9. Hi Roxy! Love the new look here! Maybe it's been a while since you added it, but I've been on a blog break, and you have been busy!
    I love potato pancakes or 'latke'. My mother-in-law had a Polish caregiver who made "to die for" latkes. Now I can do it too!
    Good to reconnect my friend! I am now at
    It was a big move, but I hope to really love it!

  10. This will be perfect for my supper tonight! Thank you. I bet my granddaughters would like these, too!

  11. Dear Roxy, we had left over mashed potatoes last weekend and hubby made some latkes but didn't add the egg or flour. Makes me want to try it again. I added so much sour cream and butter to the mashed that it kind of bothered my stomach(lactose intollerant). Thanks for sharing with us-now I know what else to add.
    Hugs, Noreen

  12. Thanks for the recipe Mom. I tried making them a month ago, but they all fell apart. I forgot to add the flour step. Lol. I am going to have make them this week. Thanks Love you

  13. Roxy,
    I was glad to see you!
    I look forward to your sweet comments.
    As I also love to visit you. You always inspire me.
    I make these all the time. My hubby loves mashed potato's.... me... not so much. I always have left overs. I love fried mashed potato's. My mother used to make them when I was kid.
    A card swap??? Sounds fun!!
    Luv, Luv,

  14. Roxy, my mother made these all the time with her left over potatoes when I was growing up. She didn't add meat, but they were a side dish. She called them potato patties. I loved the crispy outside and I crave them now and then! I haven't made them in quite some time. Thanks for the reminder! I'll have to try your recipe.

  15. Had to swallow right there. I will definitely try this, it looks really yummy!
    Thanks for sharing with us and have a super blessed day!

  16. Thank you Roxy! I have been in need of a delicious potato patty recipe!! Yours looks and sounds amazing!!!


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