Saturday, January 18, 2014

Special Valentines Preperations...

Preparing For A Special Valentine!

I was just thinking this morning that we should start giving some
The thought of doing something special for Valentines Day!

This can be something done any time before Valentines day!

It is important to take these special days and set aside
A special treat for those we love.

Firstly, for those who are married or have a sweetheart,
We can show them how much they mean to us.
Showing an expression of love is so important.
Buy or make them a card expressing how you feel;
And how much you appreciate them.

And we have so many other in our lives that it can be a
A very kind gesture of showing that you are fond of them.

Children love to get Valentines and candy also.
They really enjoy making cards for others.
Go to the Dollar store or a craft store and purchase
Some paper and stickers and create!

I also would encourage you ladies to have a special
Tea Party Planned for a few ladies or young ladies!

Once again this shows honor and favor to others.
When we have these times of social activities,
It's a safe place to learn and practice Hospitality!

Also, You can ask your Hubby if going out to dinner is an option?
And if it is not doable; plan again and make something ahead
For serving your family a fun and special dinner!

It is always about presentation:
Is Your Heart in it!

We are warned in the last days;
(That, the heart of many will grow cold.)

Dear Ones;
May we nurture and show love one to another!

Remember waiting to the last minute is not wise, put some thought into
Showing love and honor to others.

Remember the widows and the divcoreced!
Remember the broken Hearted!
Remember the lonely!
Remember those who are grieving!

Happy Valentines Day
Will You be mine?


  1. What a wonderful post and you have certainly got me thinking:)) I often find that people think they have to "spend big" on valentines day. I always think its the things from the heart that may in fact have a very small price tag that are the best. The cogs in my brain are ticking over!!!

    Have a wonderful blessed day.

  2. My Grandchildren look forward to their little Valentine treats every year; it is very special to them, and so it is very special to me. I also look forward to our Happy Valentine Tea party dear friend.
    Love and Blessings,

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Reading this reminds me to give it some thought!

  5. Visiting from Vee's blog. I have been googling to get Valentine craft ideas from the Dollar Store. I have great nieces who always love holiday surprises in the mail. Your tea set sure is pretty. Mildred

  6. Oh Roxy. What a beautiful tea set. The red is beautiful!

  7. Wonderful thoughts, dear Roxy! Have I told you lately how much I enjoy your posts? You are a rare blessing. Hugs!

  8. Such lovely ideas. It would be much fun to host a tea party!

  9. Yes, we can do this!
    How ever small or grand. To show honor and love to others, everyday.

  10. Such an important message Roxy to show some love with a little thought behind it. I love your beautiful tea set! Don't feel I have a blog that is "out of your league." Your always welcome. I keep leaning more toward tea and food because I just can't afford to keep remodeling! But, I do love to decorate for the different seasons. Tea is a favorite of mine I have discovered through blogging that I am more in love with setting up and photographing tea than anything! Your blog is wonderful with it's uplifting messages! I will add it to my sidebar so I won't miss posts!

  11. Wonderful ideas, Valentines Day will be here before you know it

  12. Very very pretty! I like your toile tea things. Transferware is getting harder to find.

  13. I just party all month long since it's my birthday, does that count?

    Just kidding...

    I think it's a great idea to do something special for someone. They may not have the means to and to pass on a smile, means so much more than nothing at all!

    Now, what to do.....

    Thanks for such a great reminder to serve others.


  14. Such a beautiful photo and thought. I sent out some hand written notes today with some early valentines. I am thinking of some elderly women, and some who are very ill who might like to receive some mail to brighten their day.


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