Friday, January 17, 2014

Encouragement Is A Seed...

Living From Glory To Glory Blog

 Encouragement Is A Seed...

Why I blossom when a word of encouragement is spoken to me!

It feels like a spring shower falling upon my dry and thirsty heart:
Encouragement carries life and inspiration.

When I see a place of barren ground, I want to break it up
 so I can dig a hole and place a seed of hope there in the dry soil!

But to walk away and leave it alone;
No, it is not my way,
I want to water and tend it's growth!
I start each day looking for the map of encouragement that
Belongs to me! As I believe it is there we just need to look for it!

I take what I have been given and give where He places me.
We need a root system to go deep so we can stay fresh in times of dry spells.

May, encouragement not stop here with me, but let it grow and flow
To others each and everyday!

Encouragement brings life...

Living From Glory To Glory


  1. Amen! Lord help me to be encouragement to everyone I meet! Thanks for sharing this lovely inspiration Roxy, have a super blessed weekend!

  2. We all need that. Beautifully written and love your new background!

  3. Yes- We all need encouragement, don't we? It is the thing that makes us blossom for sure- xo Diana

  4. What a lovely post to read today:))

  5. Wow this is such a beautiful poem!

    I might have to refer back to it again and again for some encouragement!

    Love you
    ~ Marie

  6. Beautiful! You practice this my dear. You've been a wonderful encouragement to me. I finished radiation today! March 2, 2018
    Laura of Harvest Lane Cottage


I really appreciate your comments! May they be kind and helpful to encourage my walk, and bless others as they read them. Thank-you!