Friday, February 14, 2014

God's Grace Overflows...

Valentines Day, Living From Glory To Glory Blog

You're like a chocolate covered strawberry...

Incredibly sweet ~
Inside and Out!

Today I am featuring my wonderful and sweet Daughter through marriage;
Here name is Amy!
And she is such a blessing to me and to my Hubby!
She is a treasure to be sure of...

She is a Valentines Baby!
That is why she is so sweet...
She loves the Lord very much!
Our son is Blessed to have a wife like her...

Amy has a very well written Blog, and takes pride in the choices of
The recipes she chooses to publish.
As they have all been tested!
 She enjoys cooking and baking and loves being a homemaker!
She has always had the attitude of growing in learning new ways to,
Make her home cozy and happy and healthy!

I would love for you all to stop in and say hello to her!
Go To God's Grace Overflows

Amy, has been a light in our hearts and our lives!

Happy Valentines Day to each and every one of you
Sweet and wonderful ladies!
May we all desire to be a light to others!
We need to encourage each other daily.


  1. Happy Valentine's Day, Roxy, to you and yours. I am off now to visit Amy's blog. Thank you so much for the introduction to her.
    God bless,

  2. I love that you have such a loving relationship with your son's wife.. I am blessed with a wonderful mother-in law whom I love dearly, but for many a mother-in-law/daughter-in-law relationship is not always an easy one to have.. On my way to her blog now!

  3. Amy is a sweetheart inside and out and I am honored to know her through blogging for she has blessed my life :) Your post is very thoughtful, Roxy.

    Happy Valentine's Day to you, dear friend! Sending you love and hugs!

  4. Awww, so sweet Roxy! Yes, Amy is such a treasure and such a kindred spirit! I am so blessed to know her! She is certainly God's delight and I think He was exactly right in giving this world His girl on Valentine's day!!

    Happy Valentine's Day Roxy!

    Thinking of you and all the girls today! Please have a cup of tea for me and give everyone my love!

    Love you Roxy!
    ~ Marie

  5. Roxy, what a sweet and tender testament to your daughter-in-law. I can relate so much to this because I have one too that is such a blessing. Is she the one who lives in NC near the beach? She is also blessed to have a mother-in-law such as you! Happy Valentine's Day, sweet friend!

  6. Me again...I just visited Amy and see that she is NOT in NC :) But she has a sweet blog anyway!

  7. Roxy, what a sweet, sweet post. We had such a lovely time today in every way What a wonderful joy to have
    friends like all of you . I am so glad we got to celebrate Amy's birthday and Valentines day together.
    Love you,

  8. To have someone love your child as much as you do is really a blessing!

  9. What a beautiful blessing she is! The Lord knew exactly what He was doing choosing her to be born on Valentine's Day. She is so lovely and shines out love....

    I loved loved LOVED getting to see you yesterday! I have it downloaded into my brain of beautiful memories, ready for me to pull out and delight in whenever I want....

    I love you....

  10. I love the garland in your previous post. Thank you for letting me know about your daughter in law's blog. I will visit and get some good ideas from her!


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