Thursday, February 13, 2014

Making Paper Garlands...

I had so much fun making these sweet Heart garlands!
I want to encourage you to give it a whirl...
They are so easy to make,
Easy Peasy I say...

I made this one in honor of my friend Pam's Birthday Party...

 As she is the one who taught me how to make one of these garlands.
She is so talented.!

You just sew these hearts together in a pattern that matches on both sides.
I had a pretty lace heart shaped doily for the first one I made,
 And I used that one for my center one!

Here is the one I made for another friend Lydia.
Visit her here:

I used a few different size's of heart shapes,
 And found different pretty paper designs,
Traced the heart pattern on the back side, then I cut them out.

Now, You sew them together on your sewing machine!

I wanted to share the full instructions with you ladies;
And here is a tutorial from my friends Blog;
Where Your Treasure Is
She does amazing crafts and publishes them on the Craft Gawker;
Just click the link so you can make one of these sweet little garlands also!


  1. Oh how sweet! I'll be sure to visit the links.
    Hope you have a lovely day.

  2. Roxy, your garlands came out so pretty. I love how you varied the sizes and I love the lace doily in the center. It looks perfect on you beautiful china hutch. Look forward to our little party tomorrow; can't wait.
    See you at 11:00

  3. They do look really pretty Roxy, have a lovely day!

  4. Cute Roxy! I love sewing garlands together. Just gives them a fun touch! Happy Valentines Day!

  5. What a cute idea and could be done in any shape - would never have thought of sewing them together:))

  6. This is an adorable idea! I'm going to give it a try. I've always wanted to make a Valentine garland.

  7. Oh my goodness! I love your garland Roxy! So pretty! I also love your dear friend so much too! She is such a blessing to my life. Your friendship has been such a blessing to me my entire life as well!

    ~ Marie

  8. I love the possibilities in paper garland. Your are so well done.

  9. This is fabulous! Thanks for sharing.

  10. Roxy I am featuring these today at the Home Sweet Home party. I thought they looked sorta of English and I loved the prints you used!

  11. Oh, I wish I'd seen this in February.


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