Wednesday, February 12, 2014

The Real Deal...


Sweeter than Sweet

Okay, This morning I am feeling much better!
In my last post I was sharing of my bad reaction to the product Stevia.
I know many people, my Husband included can use this product,
With no reactions!

But I have always been the 1% that will experience a side effect,
If there is even one listed!
The muscle pain was so very weird, and so not worth me using it any longer.

In my pretty green sugar bowl is a sugar mixture of a few products;
(The green sugar bowl was a gift from my daughter and daughter in love)
Mixed together:
Coconut sugar
Pure Cane sugar

Also, I have Agave, which I was disappointed to read it is much 
Like High fructose syrup!

Now, the Honey is natural and from a local Bee Keeper
Even though it is in this container (I liked the squeeze bottle)

I believe I have more sweet taste buds on my witty tongue;
And therefore I need a bit more sugar!
Or maybe this is what they mean by when someone says SHE (me)!
Has a sweet tooth....

I am so Blessed and Happy!!
We all need to watch how much sugar we consume;
As so many are in the beginnings of what they call stage 1 diabetes.
(Which is really no such thing)
It is an insulin resistance that comes from
 Too many grains (CARBS) and simple sugars!

This is a learning curve for me;
But I think the GMO thing is a huge culprit.

All this just because some like it HOT!
Some like SWEET!

I love hearing your thoughts and ideas!
Maybe we can have are own reviews and we won't have to Read a book;
And be asked to have a follower's button!
What do you all think?
Will I keep the Button and watch it like a sheet of cookies in the oven;
And hope they don't burn!!
I struggle with rates and followers
I am more like let it flow and grow kinda gal !!


  1. So glad you are feeling better, Roxy. How scary to be dizzy and feel sick from something that is supposed to be better for you.

    You are absolutely right and that we need to watch how much sugar we consume...I love desserts and any kind of sweet treat, but I have learned to limit it.

    Anyway, I "followed" you, sweet friend. Have a joyful day :)

    P.S. Thank you for the beautiful Valentine's Day card, I got it yesterday and it was such a special surprise.

  2. Good Morning Rox,
    Its nice to be the first to comment on your post .Love your pretty green sugar bowl. Coconut sugar is a favorite of mine too, and it is listed as low glycemic. I do as you do; I vary my natural sugars, eat less of them. For non-sugar sweaters I like xylitol (organic),
    I do use a little Stevia, but I don't like it as much as the Xylitol. Sorry about all of your reactions, that makes things difficult to be sure. Look forward to tomorrow. How about 11:00

  3. You know, someone told me Sunday about the honey. The sister beside her rolled her eyes like she was crazy and demented. Guess she is not as crazy as her family thinks.

  4. Hi Roxy! Ugh, so sorry to hear about your Stevia reaction. You just never know how new things will affect us. I'm glad you are past it now.

    I have a huge sweet tooth, but I'm trying to modify my habits. I'm starting to drink tea without anything added, and eating cereals without added sugar. I actually feel better :)
    It will be a long haul, but in the end, I'll be better for it.
    Happy Wednesday :)

  5. I am so glad you are better Roxy!!! I use honey in my hot tea but am guilty of drinking a tad bit too much caffeine.(I have never tried coconut sugar, think I will give it a whirl) I am trying to cut back with the grace of God :)
    Blessings to you !!!

  6. I started staying away from all artificial sweeteners a couple of months ago and my physician has cautioned me to watch my sugar intake..(one of the reasons we have cut way down on processed foods) I have learned to drink my tea plain or "sweetened" with a little pomegranate juice. I try to use honey, pure maple syrup or brown sugar when I want things sweetened (the flavors are more concentrated so I use less) I am going to look for coconut sugar. I have a serious sweet tooth so it's been challenging. I thought I was following you but I will recheck. So glad you are feeling better

  7. I am happy to hear that you are feeling better, Roxy. Blessings :-)

  8. Glad you're feeling better Roxy! I think the first tooth I cut as a baby was a sweet tooth. lol! I am trying to cut down, but I love those homemade goodies!

  9. So glad you are feeling better. Not sure about the GMO thing. We use genetically modified seeds for the most part because that is what the seed companies sell, and we know there are many falsehoods out there about it. I did ask about it at a seed corn meeting and the presenter gave me the chemistry to prove that it was not harmful, but honestly, I didn't understand much of it. I need to research it myself. There have been so many lies in the media throughout my lifetime that had huge effects on agriculture-remember the apple scare- and I hope the same thing doesn't happen with this.We are eager and willing to jump on lots of bandwagons that are to our detriment, it seems!
    I bought something at walmart (yuck.) called Monkfruit To Go that is a natural sweetener. I haven't opened it yet though. I'm kind of afraid too. Monk fruit doesn't sound too appetizing!

  10. Seems so many people have reactions to different products. I wonder, though, how much of the processing of products has to do with how some people will react to them. I grow my own stevia and use it fresh or dried because the processed ones in the markets don't taste as nice. I'm glad you are feeling better, Roxy! And, I already follow you!!

  11. I am glad you are feeling better, Roxy. I have a really bad reaction to MSG...and I can't take most drugs-which is NOT a bonus. lol

    I don't know about the followers thing- several people have dropped them, I know. I don't think it really means much because you see people with a HUGE number of followers and then they won't have any (or very few) comments. To some people it is just a numbers game rather than a connecting point. xo Diana

  12. Everything in moderation - sugar isn't bad for those who use it occasionally. And its not really the sugar we use in our cakes that is the problem - its all the hidden sugars in bread, processed foods, lollies, drinks takeaway which are loaded with sugar.

    If you avoid these things and still use sugar in home baking you really aren't haven't very much at all. I do like the coconut sugar as it reminds me of cameral .

    Happy valentines day xx

  13. I've been cutting sugar drastically beginning this week. I kicked the soda pop habit 2 and 1/2 years ago. I'm hoping that I can make sugar a much smaller part of my life. It had better be something homemade with real butter and outstanding to cross my lips. ~grin~


I really appreciate your comments! May they be kind and helpful to encourage my walk, and bless others as they read them. Thank-you!