Monday, February 24, 2014

How the Piggies Eat...

I always laugh when I think about how often through the many years as 
Mothers have had to eat our food cold or even standing up!
No sooner when I would finally sit down, someone would need something!

And I think of the times as a child myself or when my children were little;
This one liner as has gone down into the recesses of my mind.
Now, you eat your dinner...
There are starving children in this world that do not have anything to eat.

This famous one liner in the movie...

We can and should laugh because humor is good medicine!

May we enjoy preparing our family meals, and take care in how we,
Present it, and be allowed to sit down and say Grace and bless His provisions;
And enjoy the bounties of our labor!

Using our manners and saying grace will impart a feeling sense of just more,
Then a full stomach!
We are a spirit soul and body!
We need to supply and make available a portion for each of these parts.

Your tummy could be full, but your heart may feel heavy.
God wants us to enjoy and be full in all accounts.
Make time Dear Ones to eat well and spend some quiet time with Him!

The supper table is a sacred place;
Don't answer the phone
Talk and share your day
Encourage each other
Use manners and teach your little ones!

We must protect this time of the family meal!
My children are grown and gone, but when my Hubby is home,
I still try to make dinner special!

Now, I just wanted to add this one last thought is this;

So this is always a reminder on how, we truly are blessed here in this country!
But yet I know there are really many children who do not have enough to eat.
Even in our city and town!
I think we have all seen the cost of our food budgets go up;
And we all feel the influx of this cost,
But, my heart goes out to those who are not as fortunate as we might be!

May we all give and bless where the Lord directs us as we are;
Christ hands and feet!
Sharing the gospel of Jesus Christ!
Giving to a program that helps feed the hungry!
Sponsoring a child in need!


  1. I remember being told there were starving children in India…Africa… China…. and so I needed to eat up too…Your titles and pictures are so funny Rox. That movie cracks me up. Isn't it funny that getting food into your own children is sometimes as difficult as getting it to to the starving children (different reasons of course). I have stopped worrying about whether Eddie eats or not. I figure he will when he's hungry, and lo and behold he has decided he is hungry, and my cooking is not half bad. I love your dinner time suggestions; its what we try to do as well. My heart also longs to help those who are hungry and homeless, and fatherless.
    Love and Blessings,

  2. We were blessed to grow up with parents who gathered us to the table each night. We blessed the food, we shared our day. We were taught to clean up the dishes when dinner was finished. These days, it seems many families are too busy to do this but it is important.
    Hope you have a lovely afternoon.

  3. I often think of that, too, Roxy, about those that don't have enough to eat-about the kids that go to bed hungry at night. I think sometimes we get so involved as churches and organizations reaching out to those in foreign countries that we forget there are hungry children right here under our noses. xo Diana

  4. Dear Roxy,
    I have been away for a few days...
    My heart goes out to those children. And, I thank God for every meal He has provided for me. Blessings :-)

  5. It was yesterday I was saying to my husband that it feels so unfair when I force my children to eat their vegetables there are so many children who don't have any at all to eat. I think I need to get them some videos of these children maybe this will help them to appreciate their food more.
    Also I am going to encourage them to save towards providing a meal for a hungry child ever week.

    Keep up the good work


I really appreciate your comments! May they be kind and helpful to encourage my walk, and bless others as they read them. Thank-you!