Saturday, February 22, 2014

We Need Vibrant Colors and Tea...


Please, just a cup of tea!
A girl can become so tired and weary after a long day of making peach jelly.
Yet, what satisfaction comes from seeing those lovely jars filled with peach jelly.
It feels lovely to see the fruits of our labor.

Sitting here this fine evening thinking I am completely alone;
No one around me for miles!
I have had a lot of practice with living out in the plains;
But I am never really alone as I have a friend!
The lover of my soul!

Giving you a lovely picture of a bowl filled with limes;
Makes me think of the tropics,
And the crisp green lettuce leaves filled with life;
We need color and we need fresh!
Vibrant and alive...
Hold on Dear Ones,
 Spring is a coming soon!

Do not grow weary in doing good...

Thank you all so much being a light to those around you;
This world can be a dark place, but we all know that the darker it gets,
The brighter the light within you will shine!
Jesus is the light of the world...


  1. What a wonderful message, Roxy. It is so true that we should not grow weary but remain fresh and vital as we face each day. Sunday blessings to you, dear Roxy. xo Diana

  2. Ahhh...refreshment for the eyes and the spirit!

  3. So happy you stopped by my blog. To tell the truth I was just looking your blog over yesterday after being on Pam's. Saw you from a comment also that you had left. Enjoyed the posts that I was able to check out, I also think we would have a lot in common.

    Also feel that if a friend of Pam's a friend of mine. Your blog is wonderful such great insight. Some of you dear ladies have a way with words, such a blessing.

    Our ladies Bible Study at church just finished a study called "One Thousand Gifts" so I have been keeping a list of the beauty that I see each day even in this long winter. Right now the wind the past two days have made some lovely drifts. But I am still anxious for spring!

    Will be stopping by your blog often , it has been a blessing already.


  4. Such a lovely post Roxy and with lovely pictures too! Love the message in this and so enjoyed reading it. Hope you have a blessed Sunday and week ahead...Vicky

  5. Good Morning, Roxy. A beautiful message and photos this Sunday. God bless your day. Mildred

  6. I bought some limes the other day and admired their pretty green colour. I kept some to use and put a few in the freezer for later use.

    The light from our Heavenly Father is our guiding light to show us the way, its such a comfort to see.

    Have a lovely week.


  7. p.s. me again! I noticed your silver tea pot earlier but failed to comment on it. It is very beautiful. I wish you were here to help me polish 100 more pieces of silver!!!!! We could share conversation and tea!

  8. What a lovely post about refreshment and the best Friend we could ever have! Your silver teapot is beautiful and the teacup is lovely. Soon we will be enjoying all the wonderful colours Spring has to offer. Thank you for sharing and coming to tea. Have a delightful day.



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