Friday, February 21, 2014


Did You hear?
Did I hear what?
You know...
Know what?
You mean to tell me YOU don't know!
Know what?

 Now this is not verbatim, but...

Getting my facts straight is something I really try to do accurately!
But after many years of being with many people during many situations.
I have come to realize, everyone has their own perception of what was said,
And just how it took place can really differ.

So maybe I understand where someone will just say;
 I am not sure,
But I remember it this way!

Also, after a bit of time that might pass, we can forget certain things!
(Unless your mind of course is like a metal trap)

As we live in this technological world, we now lose a very powerful
Element of remembrance, or impact of conversations.
And it is body language and eye contact.

My husband say's we have less connection than ever, because we can no longer use our
Senses to use as input in what is being discussed.

I do not want to sound like a chicken just clucking to herself.
I still long for truth, and I desire to hear the heart,
 As in most cases now days information is being written such as blogs and emails.
I pray as you take time to read anything I write, that you can hear and read my
Motive and the heart behind it!

I am honored to be allowed to speak into your lives!
May I give myself the liberty to grow and resound the truth as I
Write and encourage each and every one of you Dear Ones...

I am growing in grace;
I desire to impart grace;
I thank you all for extending grace to me!

I desire to help you to grow and impart as we learn to be Godly women in Christ

I do seek the Lord as I write this blog and as I comment on blogs!
May we all realize we are dealing with real women, who all long
For the same things, we all do!
Love and Truth...


  1. Roxy- You are so right- Often what we say is not taken in the manner it was intended. Sometimes it is just the tone of voice that changes the whole of what we meant to say...sometimes it is the way we offer it and it comes off as unwelcome "advice". Great post- xo Diana

  2. Oh Roxy, your words are always so true. Grace-I want grace extended to me so I give it freely. Grace, marvelous grace! I pray that my words are seasoned with grace.

    Thank you so much for such powerful words.


  3. Hi Roxy, what a beautiful blog you have, it is my first time visiting today. My name is Delisa and I am 50 years old and live in a little rural town in Georgia.

    I really appreciated your post today. I too really miss one on one communication with people. I agree with you, so much is lost in communication when we use only the written word. All the facial expressions and little nuances, inflections of our voice are all missing.

    I too enjoy blogging and enjoy knitting and crocheting. I hope you will come by for a visit sometime. Have a lovely day ahead. Delisa :)

  4. This post is why I keep coming back, reading every word, ponder what you say and encourage you to continue with your "ministry".
    You have the ability to share your heart with us and I really appreciate that. I often quote you to my "in person" friends. I am so grateful to have found your blog!

  5. Oh Rox,
    Love the picture... hehehe so cute, perfect for what you wrote about. Great post, and as we talked about yesterday, it really hits home. Hope you are having wonderful Saturday girlfriend.
    Love and Blessings,

  6. Roxy, it is quite evident by your encouraging posts and comments where your heart is. You are such a blessing to me :)

  7. Hi Roxy, Always a joy to visit with you here. Thank you for sharing from your heart. Your friendship is a blessing.


I really appreciate your comments! May they be kind and helpful to encourage my walk, and bless others as they read them. Thank-you!