Thursday, February 27, 2014

Rose Petals In all its Glory...

How To Dry Rose Petals, Living From Glory To Glory Blog...

Today I want to share with you lovely ladies a special portion of my heart.
I am a vintage rose lover;
Roses and their amazing scent just make me happy!
I adore a rose scented perfume, and oils.
The fragrance of a rose makes me happy.
I also feel beautiful and uplifted;
Like a summer day.

I have a very old glass jar, with a sterling silver lid that belonged to
My Mother; It was always filled with Rose petals;
My Mother loved Roses also and she had a few colors that she was partial to!

Different colors of Roses had a different meaning,
Or symbolized something special, a secret message.
I will have a part two describing their different meanings.

Rose Petals In A Beautiful Glass Bowl, Living From Glory To Glory Blog...

Displaying your dried roses can be very pretty and a way to cherish their beauty,
 For a little bit longer!
 A pretty jar or vase filled with rose petals is such a pretty way to
Decorate a tabletop or mantel.
Rose petals just make you think of femininity.

Just think spring is coming very soon, and then we once again will be in,
The Rose flower season, and after reading about how lovely
Even rose petals can make a plain jar or tea cup look fancy.
We can plan ahead and learn how to dry them to have the brightest and
Best rose petals to use in decorating and making up a batch of potpourri!

Lavender And Rose, Living From Glory To Glory Blog

Rose Petals

Once you have a stash of rose petals, then you can mix them with so.
Many other wonderful flowers!

There are a few tricks to drying Rose petals to help them,
Keep their color and shape;
Check out this site HERE

Also, if you would like a very good tutorial on making a lovely
Potpourri check out this site Here 

I want to bless each and everyone of you amazing ladies;
Who desire to create a Home filled with Love and Beauty!

Love, Living From Glory To Glory


  1. Hi Roxy! I used to buy roses when they were on sale, they are such a beautiful flower. What a great idea to give them a new purpose by putting the petals in such a special jar. The smell really is delicate and feminine.

    I love yellow roses. I'll be looking forward to seeing what that means?

    Thank you for your lovely comment on my blog. How generous of you to offer your ear to me. You are such a special lady. I'm going to be fine. Just busy! Which is a good thing. I have to figure out how to balance my time so I am not stressing myself or ignoring my home and hubby. I know with God's grace I can do it.

    Blessings to you always. Enjoy your trip :)

  2. Roxy, you probably already know that I am a lover of roses too...and particularly dried ones...I have many and some from a long time ago. Some how they get more beautiful when they dry, don't you think? The photo with the lavender is so lovely and the little jars are so very Victorian...I can almost smell their lovely aroma!

  3. My late mom and I had many roses that we "inherited" from our home's former owners. We enjoyed a stroll thru the garden daily. I love the different ways you display your dried petals. Wishing you a restful night.

  4. I love roses from flowers to material anything that has roses on it. I have tried growing roses but don't do to well with them, except for my Wild Rose bush. Fell in love with roses when my parents moved to a new farm when I was a girl and it had wild roses by the house. Sweet memories.

  5. I love roses in any form. Fresh picked-greenhouse grown-dried-painted on furniture-painted on dishes-you name it, I love it. Beautiful post- xo Diana

  6. Roxy, I love roses and rose petals. As I've gotten older my eyes have become so sensitive and I can not wear anything with a scent. But I sure love smelling fresh flowers! Love your photos!

  7. Hello my fellow rose lover :) Your post made me smile since you know I love roses too. Thanks for being a delight - hugs to you!

  8. Such a lovely memory you have of your mother's beautiful jar. I love keeping dried roses as long as they will last in nice condition.

  9. I also love dried roses but have to be careful where I leave them as my cat (Ruby) also love roses and will play with the petals. They are very feminine indeed and look so pretty on a shelf.

    Your mother's jars are gorgeous.

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. Dear Roxy! I apologize I seemed to have overlooked becoming a follower of your lovely blog! I am smitten! It is a bright spot in my day and I thank you so very much for sharing! Love.....

  12. Roses are red, violets are blue.
    sugar is sweet but Roxy not as you!

    Keep brightening up our lives

  13. I love roses, especially purple roses, and it love the scent so a real rose but I really don't like things that are rose scented.. Many funeral homes use rose scent to perfume the air every time I smell anything rose scented it reminds me of funeral homes..
    It's weird, I know..

  14. Love your beautiful post Rox, I enjoy reading all about the meanings of roses. I share your love for them. Looking forward to the next segment. Thanks for linking me in.
    Love ya,

  15. Hi Roxy, what a beautiful post today. I guess you are right, we all must have had roses on the brain this week! :) I too like to save my rose petals. I put them in a pretty pink Fenton rose bowl that belonged to my grandmother. There are few things as beautiful on this earth than the pure, natural scent of roses on a warm Spring morning. My favorite roses are the big pink cabbage roses, double delights and the yellow peace rose. Unfortunately they don't grow very well here in my area of Georgia, but I had very nice garden years ago when I lived in California. Sometimes the roses in our memory are the prettiest. :) I hope you have a lovely and restful evening! With Love, Delisa :)

  16. I love roses as well, they are so beautiful, loved your post and your blog. Xx

  17. How wonderful. I saved the rose my then boyfriend now husband Lowell gave me when I went away to school for many years until it crumbled.

    I can be a bit sentimental.

  18. I love roses, too! I have 30ish in my flower garden. I can't wait to smell their wonderful fragrance again.

    Your glass jar from your grandmother is a very special gift!

  19. Your jars are lovely Roxy. They smell good even dried.


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