Saturday, March 1, 2014

Come Away My Beloved...


You are invited to a Party!

Please do not be late, for I have made a lovely setting for each of you.
I have polished the silver and place a tea cup for each of you.

You can have the choice of coffee or tea,
Scones or muffins along side the quiche.

As I was sitting there at my desk this morning I was thinking about,
This Blog called Living from Glory to Glory.
And what I believe I was given from the Lord,
  Was how this is a ministry!
We have all been placed in this this time and space together.
He told us to not forsake the assembling of ourselves together.

So I am with many of you today and tomorrow via through this blog!

I prayed for each of you...

When you stop and read my humble writings and when,
You leave me a comment it cheers my heart!
And I think she is my friend!
A fellow Godly woman, living in the place of a woman's desire.
To be heard and loved and to see others to encourage them...
Am I my Brother's keeper?

Yes, my child, you are!

I am not a dictionary or a cookbook!
I am not a psychiatrist!
I am not a Doctor!
I am not a health expert!
I am not many things with a title given to me by the world!

I am a child of God!
I am walking in His love!
I am learning how to be A Godly Woman, wife and a Mother.
Now, also a Grandmother!
I am being given wisdom and insight into many things!
I am becoming for like Him each day!
Living from Glory to Glory...

It is so nice of you to come and stay with me and party together!
What Lady does not enjoy a wonderful outing with those who are like minded?
We love to dress and go visiting!
So many of us in these days do this via Blogs;
So may we all be joyful, truthful and kind as we visit each other!

Help each other grow and show each other what has inspired you!
We are called to be together not apart and alone!
I need each and every one of you lovely ladies!

I really think Blogging has helped me through a very long, cold, and dry winter!
Your comments have warmed my heart!
And I call you FRIEND!

The has said to each and every one of us;
Come Away My Beloved...


  1. Roxy...and what a blessing you are to me! Right from the get-go when I first started my blog back last summer, your sweet comments and encouragement helped make me feel so welcome in the blogging world. Like you, I too feel like such a kindred spirit with so many....I had no idea this was even possible! Bless you, sweet friend....and as I writing this comment, I just now noticed that I have the exact same teapot that is in your sidebar....the one with the pearls hanging out of it! It belonged to my MIL and I have the creamer & sugar bowl too! Sorry for this random!

  2. Roxy, I agree. Rueben Welch once wrote a book called, "We really do need each other." Blogging has been my inspiration for the past two year. I don't think I would have been able to hold my head up some days without it. Thanks for your inspirational thoughts.

  3. Roxy,

    What a lovely place you've created and what a beautiful table you've set. Thank you for the invitation to come and sit and talk about our Lord and the things of the heart!

  4. Roxy, This is a lovely post! I have been blessed many times when i visit your home on the web and read what's been on your heart. Thank you for sharing these precious words today.

  5. You do have a wonderful way with words and today I feel very special.
    (I used of combed my hair).

  6. Beautifully written and touching:))

    I would love to come to your party - I have just made some pineapple and sultana spicy muffins - hot out of the oven. If I come quickly I can bring you some!!

    May the week ahead be blessed:)

    PS sending you some Australian sunshine to brighten up your winters day.

  7. Hi Roxy, I'm so thankful to have met you through blogging. Like you, I cherish my friends and pray for them; share the happy and the sad times.

    God bless your week.

  8. Wonderful idea of like-minded women coming together to encourage and edify one another. God is in our midst, and we give Him the glory!!
    Multiplied blessings, sweet friend :)

  9. I do consider you my friend Roxy. I am so glad you're in my life if only through our blogs and an occasional call.
    Be blessed my friend!


I really appreciate your comments! May they be kind and helpful to encourage my walk, and bless others as they read them. Thank-you!