Saturday, March 15, 2014

Feeding The Sparrows and Building a Bird Feeder Stand...

Feeding the birds for my Hubby and myself is something we enjoy very much!

We have always fed the birds in the winter time.
 It was such a nice treat to have a much larger
 Bird feeder made by my Hubby and put right where we could
See the little birds eating every morning!

He used a railroad tie and put it down deep in the ground.
Then of course painted it red, as most my outdoor decor,
And the chairs are all a bright cherry red.

I think this color red is very cheerful and fun!

We did buy a new bird feeder and painted it red also.
I was so excited to come home  and to see this bird feeder stand
Already in the ground!

Living From Glory To Glory Blog
He then secured the new bird feeder on top of the stand.
He also found a vintage ice chest and placed it on the ground below,
Then he filled it with birdseed and added a metal cup to scoop out the seed.
It is nice because we have the feeder and food right there together.

 We live in the desert and the prairie where there is little or no water!
So we always have water available for the birds all year long.
Of course, my bird bath is painted red also.

 This is such a nice and meaningful gift that he made for me!
We both felt like we may be doing a small part, in helping the sparrows.
Jesus speaks about the wee little sparrows;
Maybe as we age, it is part of being used in the feeding and care of these
Birdies that the Lord speaks about!

Look at the birds of the air;
They do not sow or reap or store away in barns.
And yet your heavenly Father feeds them.
Matthew 6:26

Here is a really cute link for making little birdseed ornaments you can hang in a tree.

I remember how my Mother would tell us to throw the bits of string outside
In the spring time, as she told me the little birds would use it for their nest.

So I tell my grandchildren the same thing;
Even when I cut their hair, I tell them the birds will use it,
To line their nest to lay their eggs in the Spring time!

New Life and Blessings to each of you!



  1. Your hubby did good...and I love the red! I just finished filling our bird feeder...about 15 minutes ago! I bought a bird feeder for "us" for Christmas this year and we have thoroughly enjoyed feeding all kinds of birds (and squirrels) since then after going several years without a feeder....of course we always feed the hummers in the spring and summer too.

  2. I love your feeder/stand. It is fun to watch the birds/squirrels. Enjoy the weekend.

  3. Feeding and watching birds is so simple, yet entertaining.
    We have always enjoyed feeding birds.
    Your husband is very sweet to build you another bird feeder!

    (We have two bird baths. One for the sparrows, etc. and one for the crows)

  4. Love birds and the reminder that if God feeds the little birds, He will take care of me and mine.

  5. I love that hubby gets involved in the feeding, etc of your birds. How great is that?!

    When we lived in the historic district we had what they called a "jump porch" on the back of the house. My redheaded daughter (that just had the baby) would sit out there and brush her hair to let it dry in the afternoon sun. She would empty her brush off that porch. We found bird's nests with red hair woven into them in the Spring. xo Diana

  6. We had a very hot summer and lots of people made sure they had plenty of water around their houses for the birds (as the birds found it tough going this year and a number died due to the heat). Even shop keepers put out water bowls for the local birds which I thought was very caring. We have several water bowls that are large enough for the big birds to have a bath in and drink.

    Your husband is very sweet and I love the fire engine red!! we use to have a bird feeder but the local possums (a marsupial) would come and steal all the food so we had to stop it.

    Blessings for the week ahead.

  7. I'm so glad that you posted this Rox, ever since you told me about how Danny made it, I've been wanting to see it. It is wonderful. Perfect to watch and see those birdies, and it looks like a wonderful safe place for them to eat. Love the red. The bird bath is a lovely as well.

  8. Roxy, the bright red bird feeder is so pretty. The birds are sure to love landing there for a little treat. Hubby did good! I always love seeing all of the fun things birds use to make their nests.

  9. What a nice thing for your husband to do for you. I love watching - and listening to the birds! Have an awesome week!

  10. Hi Roxy! I love your post today, I too love to watch the birds. This time of year we have beautiful red cardinal birds and blue jays. There is also a woodpecker that has a red head and white chest. They entertain me daily. We have many trees on our property and this time of year when they are bare, I can see many nests of all sizes. They also love the bird houses and there is a nest in them almost as fast as we can put them up. Have a lovely evening! With Love, Delisa :)


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