Sunday, March 16, 2014

Green Rolling Hills...

The Luck of the Irish...
I don't believe in luck, but rather God's favor and blessings!

Powerful and vast open land!
Windswept and green.
We all have roots in another land as we here in America, have
Our generations of past immigrants of a larger and wider world.
They came wanting more for themselves and their loved ones!
We all have a part of the bigger picture...

May our roots go deep!
Remember the brave men and women who traveled far to make a new life.
Home really is where your heart is!

Wonderful rich wool and a livelihood of many generations.

"A lovely Irish tea"

Tea and good fellowship bring us all together, no matter where we live.
(Irish Breakfast tea for me please)

We all have roots from another place!
As America has been the melting pot of the world.
I am just a bit concerned about what we might be melting into!

They have very pretty wildflowers in this green and lush land.
I long for to see these as I live in the dry land and as I type these
words we are still in a drought.
Please pray for rain!

We can celebrate the goodness of Ireland and all its rich traditions,
 An Irish Lady I am...
Happy St. Paddy's Day to all!


  1. Happy St. Paddy's Day Rox, I would love to go visit the land of your roots with you.. have always thought it would be a wonderful thing to do. Love those green hills. Wouldn't it be fun to see the movie of our family heritage. It would be very interesting.

    My roots are German/English/Scottish, so are Steve's. Gonna have to pin the tea pot and the precious lamb.

  2. "May you always have work for your hands to do. May your pockets hold always a coin or two. May the sun shine bright on your window pane. May the rainbow be certain to follow each rain. May the hand of a friend always be near you. And may God fill your heart with gladness to cheer you."
    Irish Blessings

  3. I often think of my dad's family sailing out from Germany in the 1850's, not having a clue what they would find when they arrived in Australia. They had far more faith than we have today, as there was no turning back if they didn't like it here. The men and women worked so hard to make a living and they did. And it wasn't lush green pastures they migrated to - it was one hot dry country that was brutal and unforgiven. They were very brave souls.

    My mother's side of the family are Scottish and Polish and my fathers is German through and through.

    Happy St Pats day.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Latha Naobh Pàdraig Sona dhuit :)

    Scottish & Irish Gaelic are very similar so I thought I would wish you a Happy St Patrick's Day in my first language!

  6. Latha Naobh Pàdraig Sona dhuit :)

    Scottish & Irish Gaelic are very similar so I thought I would wish you a Happy St Patrick's Day in my first language!

  7. I too believe in Gos and not in luck!
    Happy St.Patrick Day!

  8. Lovely Roxy! I am half Irish so I celebrate with you of all things Irish! Good people!!! Blessings to you always!

  9. I agree with you Roxy...I don't believe in "luck" either. In fact, sometimes I cringe especially when it's another Christian wishing me good luck. I realize they don't mean anything by it. On the other hand, there are those out there who live by counting on luck instead of having faith in the One true God. The teapot with the shamrocks is delightful! Happy St. Paddy's Day, friend!

  10. A nice post. One of your photos is missing. Just thought I'd let you know.


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