Monday, March 3, 2014

It Is Worth It...

It Is Worth It!!

It was a very cold and windy day; and I was getting out of my car in the
Grocery store parking lot. I saw her!
She was a Momma and she had her hands full!
I then realized it was her car parked right next to mine.
I just started to walk right past her, and I could just feel it.
I turned right around and I said to her;
Sweetie, My kids are all grown up and I miss them so much!
I remember those days when I was so tired and weary, I thought
I was never going to make it!
But I want to tell you this!
It is all worth it...

I just smiled and told her to hang in there!

Well, when I came out I found this note on my windshield.
God has us in the right place at the right time!
May each and every one of us take the opportunities God gives us;
Love and encourage each Homemaker!
And to tell them this;
It is all worth it...


  1. Good Morning Rox,
    I think the sun is going to come out today. I have been warm and cozy with my word and my coffee by the fire this morning. This story just made my day. Oh to have heard someone say those things to me when I was a young Mama. Thanks for sharing it, and for being the blessing that you are. Have a wonderful day.
    Love and blessings,

  2. What a blessing you were to that sweet young girl and in turn she was a blessing to you! Isn't it just wonderful how God places people where He does? Thank you for sharing your sweet blessing!

  3. Oh Roxy, I have goosebumps :) I know that sounds cheesy, but as I read how the Lord used you in this woman's life it just gave me chills (in a good way). Don't you love it when God gently nudges our heart to do something and when we listen, wow, what a blessing and impact to the receiver and giver.

    Bless you, my friend. Hugs!

  4. You acted on God's call to you.
    We all should listen to God when he calls us.

  5. Love, love, love this! And yay for you, for listening! Many would have blown it off and kept going, but you didn't!

  6. What a sweet, heartwarming post about how God uses us daily to encourage one another.

  7. Roxy,
    Your story brought tears to my eyes. May I always be willing to speak when the Lord asks me to!

    Thank you so much for your kind words and for featuring the give-away! I so appreciate it!

    Have a lovely day,

  8. This is heart warming, Roxy.
    You always leave me feeling warm!
    Blessings :-)

  9. Roxy, that is precious! I have done that, too, and it is really an encouragement we can give as older women who have been there. I am praising God for your sweet spirit, dear friend. Thank you for the blessings to us all :)

  10. I love this Roxy! Sounds like you made that sweet mom's day! God has a way of putting us exactly where He knows we are needed....I love that!

    Blessings, Vicky

  11. What a wonderful story, Roxie! It is amazing how powerful our words are. I always try to encourage young women through those difficult days of raising children. They pass so quickly but are so important!

  12. Such a lovely story. Where I might feel sympathy, you took action. I so admire that. Thanks also for your lovely comment!

  13. We never know how our words will encourage. What you did was a little thing but what a big impact it had. We need to encourage one another when we can and it can be something as simple as a kind word. You are a blessing

  14. What a wonderful repayment for your kindness. We just never know, do we, when a word of encouragement can take someone from despondent to delighted. Good job, Roxy! xo Diana

  15. Wow!!! God is so good! He always provide the right thing or right person at the right time to comfort His children.

    So sweet of you Roxy to avail yourself to be used by God.


I really appreciate your comments! May they be kind and helpful to encourage my walk, and bless others as they read them. Thank-you!