Thursday, April 10, 2014

Hand Picked For Life...

My Man

Thought you all would like to see
My Man!

A man of honor and integrity
 He blesses me everyday with his love;

He helps me with so many things!
He has loved me by considering the fact that I am the weaker vessel,
He has the physical strength, and he does all the heavy things!
Like helping move my furniture around :o)
He pulls out the refrigerator to clean behind it!
He knows I want to do these things and have them done,
So he will stop what he is doing and help me!

 He prays for me!
And he prays for his whole family daily!!
He is praying for our grandchildren to help keep them under His covering!

I have referred to him as a quiet man...
He has the gifting as a servant and he is a leader.
He has the qualities of a pillar.
Strong and steady!

I am honored to be the wife of his youth, then God put us together.
I still pray to be the wife that he needs!

We laugh a lot and have learned to not take all things personal.
We realize most the time we are either just tired or hungry!

I have learned He can't read my mind...

I have learned to explain to him what I am feeling, and allow
Him the time to ponder it. He is a problem solver!
State the problem, and he always gives me positive feedback.
He sees the bigger picture.
He has discernment and I need to wait to hear what he has to say!
He has way less words to say than I do!

We have memories!
We have comfort and familiarity!
We have a future and a hope!
We have trust!
We have each other!

Love conquers all!
 Love never fails
Love bears all things
 Love believes all things and endures all things 
And hopes all things.


  1. Roxy, that was a beautiful tribute to your God fearing husband.
    May the Lord continue to bless your marriage, and keep you ever so close to Him.


  2. A godly husband is worth more than gold.

  3. Nice to meet your wonderful companion. Where would we be without them?

  4. Roxy- What a beautiful, touching tribute to your husband. He sounds like a fine man...and I can tell how much you love him- xo Diana

  5. Wonderful husband! Happy to hear many good things about him. Happy family!

  6. Hi Roxy! This is so lovely...great picture of your husband....y'all are a very happy couple indeed! darling post.....

  7. Thought from my heart...
    I appreciate how you dug deep and shared YOUR heart! For some, this is hard to talk about in an open forum.
    Your love, true love, for your Hubby is beautiful.
    I hope it blesses others, like it has me!

  8. It's quite evident that he is more than a blessing...he's CUTE too!

  9. Roxy,
    This is just so, so sweet. What a wonderful and beautiful expression of your life together, and Danny's Character. He is indeed a Godly precious man. I am so happy that you have him and that he has you.

  10. Sounds like you have a wonderful husband:)) May you and your husband have a wonderful week ahead.

    God Bless.


  11. This touches my heart!
    And I am blessed and so thrilled that you are sharing.
    As my hubby and I are maturing in age, life, seasons, spiritually we are learning a love that we can not describe...we know it's of GOD!

  12. How wonderful! What a blessing he is! :)


I really appreciate your comments! May they be kind and helpful to encourage my walk, and bless others as they read them. Thank-you!