Saturday, April 12, 2014

Listening For His Song...

I had a dream a while back, and it was very special to me.
The Lord was speaking to me, and He said to me,
You need to clean out your ears!
I felt like He was giving me a very important instruction...
I awoke with the desire to obey Him.

I have been praying daily for my ears to be cleaned out;
Now, I need to ask myself, what is possibly blocking my hearing?

Learning to hear the Lord speak it very scriptual and powerful!
That is why we must reading written word!

But, what I have been pondering and asking for wisdom is this;
What might be something that I am listening to or tuning into that
might cause a blockage.
 Our ears have a natural God given wonder,
To hear the words of our loved ones. The first cry of our newborn child.

We use our ears to keep us safe from danger,
 When someone calls\out a warning!
We must have ears to hear!
( In the spirit and our natural hearing)

I am eagerly awaiting the song of our prairie meadowlarks.
I was gone to a friend's cottage in the foothills of our mountains.
I could hear the meadowlarks singing there.

Come sweet birdie and sing to me!
It refreshes my soul and makes my heart glad!

The Lord has said there will always be 
Seed time and harvest!
And as I can count on that till He returns for His Church!

Stay close;
Clean out your ears:
Keep your heart tender!

Listen for HIS song...

Take pleasure in His sweet blessings He gives us!
Take nothing for granted!


  1. A beautiful post. God often speaks to me in dreams. Sometimes I awaken to a word or two that I know is a word from His Word. I look it up and there's always a message for me. One time I heard three numbers. I heard someone say that since God spoke through the prophets to look for his message among them. It was 522. I felt like I should go to Isaiah 52. The entire chapter was a warning over something that our church was going through. When I'm not in the Word as I need to be, I don't always hear the message. I long for those times when he speaks clearly to me. Thanks for a beautiful message.

  2. What a sweet and wonderful post, Roxy. You are certainly blessed and you pass those blessings along through your words here. xo Diana

  3. This is so sweet Roxy. I was very blessed this weekend having you and Amy come to stay. It was a precious weekend. I too love the sweet sound of the Meadow Lark. I listen for it every spring, and always feel my spirit lifted up when I hear him. I am so thankful that the Lord speaks to us in various ways. It is important to listen and seek what He is saying.
    Love and Blessings,

  4. Hello Roxy! Your post was quite interesting to read and I always enjoy your perspective :)

    Thank you, sweet friend, for being a teacher, a role-model, and a friend. Sending love and hugs your way!

  5. Hi Roxy! I so agree that I should not take anything for granted. Appreciating the song of a bird is such a great example of being ready hear.
    I hope that meadowlark comes to your land soon! And I pray that I will remain in wonder and gladness for the sounds and words that God gives.



I really appreciate your comments! May they be kind and helpful to encourage my walk, and bless others as they read them. Thank-you!